PROGRAMS.tar.gz - programs for obtaining model values at specific locations and some GMT ( plotting tools. GRD.tar.gz - longitude-latitude-velocity files with vsh, vsv, and voigt average in km/s evaluated on a grid of points at many depths in the mantle --------------- 1-D MODELS: STW105 (or REF) - reference model used in S362ANI+M. Described in Kustowski et al. (2008) PREM750_CARDS - the PREM model --------------- NEW 3-D MODELS: S362ANI+M - our preferred global model of shear-wave velocity. In this model, radial anisotropy is confined to the uppermost mantle (that is, since the anisotropy is parameterized with only the four uppermost splines, it becomes very small below a depth of 250 km, and vanishes at 410 km). This is an updated version of S362ANI which did not include normal modes in its derivation. Please note the stronger isotropic shear velocity anomalies in the transition zone. The 1-D reference model is STW105. S362WMANI+M - a version of S362ANI+M with anisotropy allowed throughout the mantle. Compared to the older S362WMANI, this model has low spurious anisotropy in the mid mantle and has reduced tradeoffs with isotropic heterogeneity in the lower mantle, owing to the addition of mode-splitting data.. --------------- REFERENCES: The reference for our new global 3D models S362ANI+M (preferred) and S362WMANI+M is: Moulik, P. & Ekström, G., 2014. An anisotropic shear velocity model of the Earth's mantle using normal modes, body waves, surface waves and long-period waveforms, Geophys. J. Int., 199(3), 1713-1738, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu356. The reference for STW105 (REF) and for the older 3D models S362ANI and S362WMANI is: Kustowski, B, Ekstrom, G., and A. M. Dziewonski, 2008, Anisotropic shear-wave velocity structure of the Earth's mantle: A global model, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B06306, doi:10.1029/2007JB005169. --------------- COMPILATION Use the Makefile in the 'src' directory. All programs are written in Fortran 77 and have been tested on Solaris, Mac OS, and Cygwin (GNU). Note, that, in order to make the compilation on Mac OS and GNU easy, in the 'Makefile', I used a single precision version of a subroutine 'splcon' (defined in 'splconsngl.f'). It is sufficiently accurate for most applications, such as plotting the model etc. However, the models have been derived using a double precision version of 'splcon' (defined in 'splcondble.f') on Solaris, which is compiler dependent. This subroutine is also included in 'src'. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions regarding compilation, please let me know. --------------- PLOTTING VELOCITY and ANISOTROPY USING A REGULAR GRID OF POINTS The 'velani_global.e' script shows how to evaluate global models at a given depth and plot them using GMT plotting tools. Both scripts use the program 'velani', which evaluates vsh, vsv, Voigt average, and vsh-vsv. The output is in km/s, if 'absolute' is selected, or in per cent, if 'relative' is selected. (The vsh and vsv evaluations are relative to vsh and vsv in the reference model, respectively. Both the Voigt-average and vsh-vsv evaluations are relative to the Voigt average in the reference model.) 'velani' evaluates the velocity and anisotropy only within a selected rectangular region of interest at points separated by the specified 'pixel size'. If requested, the average calculated within the entire region of interest is removed. --------------- PLOTTING TOPOGRAPHY The script 'topo.e' shows how to plot the topography of the 410-km and 650-km discontinuities. The script uses the program 'topo'. The topography is defined in the model as depressions in km. --------------- SUBROUTINES EVALUATING ALL PARAMETERS AT A GIVEN POINT The program 'bin/test_subshsv.exe' demonstrates how to call a subroutine 'subshsv', which returns perturbations in vsh,vsv,vph,vpv,eta, and density w.r.t. STW105 at a given colatitude, longitude, and radius; and a subroutine 'subtopo', which returns depth perturbations of the transition zone discontinuities. --------------- CONTACT If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at moulik [at] ldeo (dot) columbia (dot) edu Raj Moulik