[T]he paper is extremely interesting.
M. W., New York University, UK
I read your paper 'Spatiospectral concentration on a sphere' and the experience was quite overwhelming as well as enriching.
L. K., Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
You did a quite good job in solving the Slepian's time-frequency problem and
your paper is so wonderful.
L. W., Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
I (...) am very impressed. You are a really
good mathematician, and have done a beautiful job.
D. McK., Cambridge University, UK
(The images) remind me of orbitals visualized in Bernd
Thaller's Visual Quantum Mechanics.
J. E., The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago,
I found it quite interesting. (...) I will be reading
your paper (...) in finer detail and I look forward do doing
I. M., Queens University, Kingston,
I enjoyed this paper.
J. W., University of Colorado, Boulder,
This is a very good paper.
D. T., Queen's University, Kingston, ON
I haven't digested it all, yet, but it looks to be worth the
investment in time that will be required.
B. B., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Wonderful! It is very neat stuff.
A. J., University of Leeds, UK
I will get to your manuscript as soon as I can. I am
looking forward to reading it.
L. T., Colorado School of
Mines, CO
I am interested in your work and papers. Your papers
will contribute to my research. (...) I will get my PHD.
X. H., Chinese Academy of
It is very interesting and I'll study it in
M. Y., University of
California, Santa Barbara, CA
An impressive effort
O. A., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
[A] wonderful paper
C. W., National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
[T]ruly groundbreaking stuff for geophysics
G. N., NASA Goddard, Greenbelt,
It's rather a booklet, isn't it?
V. M., University of Kaiserslautern,
[I]ndeed exciting
P. M.,
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY
[I] was quite intrigued by some of your results
J. S., Courant Institute of Mathematical
Sciences, NY
[A] terrific piece of work, [...] a piece of basic
research with broad application
S. L.,
Princeton University, NJ
[I]t sounds like great work
R. L., University of Washington, WA
[I]ts obvious worthiness has me fuming again over those
"don't be too technical" math-o-phobes
S. A., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
I'm glad somebody is getting somewhere!
P. S., University of California, Berkeley,
[I]t's very interesting
L. M., University of California, Berkeley, CA
It was a great talk and we enjoyed it a lot
S. G., Courant Institute of Mathematical
Sciences, NY
I am extremely happy with your preprint
J.-F. C, Ecole Normale Supérieure des
Télécommunications, Paris, France
I guess the underlying differential equation tells us
something, about the oscillatory structure. Am I making sense?
S. O., Imperial College,
London, UK
Frederik Simons
Last modified: Wed Apr 12 23:06:25 EDT 2023