Handbook of Physical Constants
Rruff Database of Raman and Crystallographic Data
American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database
X-ray Diffraction Database (Mincryst)
Single-Crystal Elastic Constants of Minerals and Planetary Materials
(From D. Isaak in Handbook of Elastic Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases, 2001)
and associated bibliography
Slowness sections for principal planes for crystal systems
(From: BA Auld, Acoustic Fields and Waves in Solids)
Forms of the Cij tensor for crystal systems
Conversion of Cij to Sij for the more symmetric systems
(From A. Kelly et al., Crystallography and Crystal Defects)
Conversion of Cij to Sij for the orthorhombic system
X-Ray Links
Crystal geometry formulae for diffraction
Crystallography and Crystal Structures
Structure Map of AX2 Compounds
(From Leger and Haines, Eur. J. Solid State Inorg. Chem., 1997)
High Pressures
Melting Temperatures of Insulating Media
Pressure Scales
Mineral/Mineral Physics/Geophysics |
Physics/Materials Science |
Other |