Bouguer Gravity/Topography Coherence: A Global Study

Dong V. Wang and Frederik J Simons

Geosciences Department
Princeton University
Princeton NJ 08544, USA

Sponsored by the U. S. National Science Foundation under grant EAR-0710860.
Software Publications


This is an atlas of isotropic gravity-topography coherence on the continents, worldwide.
The anisotropic analysis has been published now, here


North America
  1. Figure 01 Topography and Bouguer anomalies
  2. Figure 03 Maximum coherence values
  3. Figure 04 Wavelengths where maximum coherence values are reached
South America
  1. Figure 01 Topography and Bouguer anomalies
  2. Figure 03 Maximum coherence values
  3. Figure 04 Wavelengths where maximum coherence values are reached
  1. Figure 01 Topography and Bouguer anomalies
  2. Figure 03 Maximum coherence values
  3. Figure 04 Wavelengths where maximum coherence values are reached
  1. Figure 01 Topography and Bouguer anomalies
  2. Figure 03 Maximum coherence values
  3. Figure 04 Wavelengths where maximum coherence values are reached
Eurasia I
  1. Figure 01 Topography and Bouguer anomalies
  2. Figure 03 Maximum coherence values
  3. Figure 04 Wavelengths where maximum coherence values are reached
Eurasia II
  1. Figure 01 Topography and Bouguer anomalies
  2. Figure 03 Maximum coherence values
  3. Figure 04 Wavelengths where maximum coherence values are reached
Eurasia III
  1. Figure 01 Topography and Bouguer anomalies
  2. Figure 03 Maximum coherence values
  3. Figure 04 Wavelengths where maximum coherence values are reached
Eurasia IV
  1. Figure 01 Topography and Bouguer anomalies
  2. Figure 03 Maximum coherence values
  3. Figure 04 Wavelengths where maximum coherence values are reached
Eurasia V
  1. Figure 01 Topography and Bouguer anomalies
  2. Figure 03 Maximum coherence values
  3. Figure 04 Wavelengths where maximum coherence values are reached

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