173, 12.466506198421325, 41.900532128750264, 1277, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1277 (Flood Marker) , , 195, "L'Arco dei Banchi at via del Banco di San Spirito\r\n\r\nHVC TIBER\r\nACCESSIT\r\nSET TURBI\r\nDVS HINC\r\nCITO CESSIT\r\nANNO DOMINI\r\nMCCLXXVII\r\nIND VI M NO\r\nVEMB DIE VII\r\nECCL'A VAC\r\nANTE\r\n\r\nItalian translation of Latin text: \"Qui giunse il Tevere ma torbido si ritiro ben presto nell' anno del Signore 1277 nella sesta indizione il settimo giorno del mese di novembre, sede vacante.\" (Di Martino and Belati).\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1277 was described in the Liber Pontificalis : \"Parum ante sui promotionem per aliquot dies Tyberis flumen Romanum in tantum excrevit, suos transcendens alveos, quod cunctis cernentibus erat formidini; nam super altare beate Marie Rotonde per IIII pedes [circa 90cm.] et amplius transibat\".\r\n\r\nThis flood marker, is the oldest surviving inscription to record an historic flood in Rome. It is carved with gothic letters and is still legible. It was originally placed on the Church of S. Celso at the Ponte Sant' Angelo. The church was demolished when Giulio II redesigned the piazza. The Inventario misdates the inscription to 1276. For a discussion of the misdating of this marker see Frosini.\r\n\r\n\r\nAccording to Narducci this flood rose to over 16.00 meters above sea level (masl), but the civic commission (Commissione Tevere) established in 1871 to accurately establish the levels of the historic floods (and of thier markers) ascribed a height of 15.88 masl. This reduction still places the height of the flood well above the level of the altar in the Pantheon as stated in the Liber Pont.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 154, fig. 11; L. Duchesne, ed., Le Liber Pontificalis (Paris, 1952) II: 458; Inventario del monumenti di Roma I, Ponte: 9; Forcella, XIII: 423,423; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 148-50, fig. 31; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 38-41, 162 #3; E. Narducci, Saggio di bibliografia del Tevere (Rome, 1876), 5." 174, 12.477783275485518, 41.89784304220335 , 1422, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1422 (Flood Marker) , , 196, "Santa Maria sopra Minerva \r\n\r\nThis is the only extant flood marker for the flood of 1422, which reached a level of 17.22 meters above sea level (masl). Infessura described the flood as \"covering the major part of Rome (meaning the alluvial plain of the Campo Marzio) and causing great damage\". As with most major Tiber floods it actually first entered the city from the north, at the lowest point of the plain, just to the east of the Ponte Molle, and then headed straight down the via Flaminia, through the Porta del Popolo and down the Corso.\r\n\r\nThis flood was described in the Liber Pontificalis: \"De mense vero novembris anni sequentis, in vigilia beati Andree, flumen Tyberis extra alveum suum egressus, a Campo Flore per viam pape et Parionis, per portam Flamineam ingrediens et usque ad sancti Marci ecclesiam se extendens Urbem inundavit. Templum Pantheon aqua repletum est usque ad altare maius; dumque aqua sic ad staturam fere duorum hominum excrevisset, navigareturque per vicos quos aqua Tyberis repleverat, tandem post duos dies siccate sunt aque et Tyber ad proprium alveum regressus est, non sine multo Romanorum damno et animalium que in campis remanserant perdicione\".\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 154, fig. 12; L. Duchesne, ed., Le Liber Pontificalis (Paris, 1952) II: 520; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 153; S. Infessura, Diario della Citta` di Roma (Rome, 1890); V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 45-46, 163 #5." 175, 12.465592538492146, 41.90338310100974 , 1495, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1495 (Flood Marker) , , 197, "Bastione di San Matteo, Castel Sant'Angelo (originally located on the Bastione di San Matteo, but the precise position is not recorded. It is now displayed inside the Castel Sant'Angelo Museum)\r\n\r\nThis flood marker commemorates the 1495 flood. \r\n\r\nText:\r\n\r\nALEXANDERI BORGIE \r\n\r\nPP. VI ANNO III. DIE V. \r\n\r\nDECEMBR. M.CCCCLXXXV \r\n\r\nTIBERIS AD HOC \r\n\r\n_________\r\n\r\nSIGNVM. INVNDAVIT\r\n\r\n\r\nThe solid line indicates the level to which the waters rose, which was measured at 16.88 meters above sea level at the Ripetta. According to Bonini the marker was placed 8 1/4 palmi (approx. 1.84m) above the level of the ground.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 157-58; F. M. Bonini, Il Tevere incatenato (Rome, 1663), 55; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 155-59; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 49-52, 165 #8." 176, 12.473854367322858, 41.89885646337371 , 1495, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1495 (Flood Marker) , , 198, "Located on Piazza Madama, this inscription commemorates the 1495 flood, which measured 16.88 meters above sea level at the Ripetta. According to an eyewitness, \"...A di 4 dicembre come cresceva lo fiume per tutta Roma et tutte le cantine erano piene de acqua, ...era alta l'acqua per tutte le strade piu di due canne...\". Due canne = 4.46 meters. \r\n\r\n\r\nThe inscription reads:\r\nNON. DECEMBER.\r\nTIBERIS. AD HOC. \r\nSIGNUM ----- (the line indicates the level of the water)\r\nCREVIT\r\nAN. SAL. M. VD." , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 157-58, fig. 13; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 155-59; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 169 #13; L. A. Muratori, R.I.S., 1753, Diario di Branca di Tedallini." 177, 12.473933537426484, 41.89798104093298 , 1805, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1805 (Flood Marker) , , 199, "Corso Rinascimento 23\r\n \r\nAD HOC SIGNUM/L.M.F. TIBER/MDC . KAL.FEB . CCV\r\n\r\n1805 marked the first serious flood since the late 17th century. There had been three floods during the 18th century (1702 at 15.42 meters above sea level (masl); 1742 at 15.02 masl; and 1750 at 15.58 masl), but none were as damaging as those in the 16th and 17th centuries.\r\n\r\nThe 1805 flood measured 16.42 masl at the Ripetta on 2 February.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 183-84; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 203, #61." 178, 12.477782557771272, 41.89785414302386 , 1495, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1495 (Flood Marker) , , 200, "Santa Maria sopra Minerva\r\n\r\nText:\r\n\r\nAN. CHR. M.V.D. NON. DECEMB. /\r\n\r\nAuctus in immensum Tyberis, dum profluit aluce /\r\n\r\nExtulit huc tumidas, turbidus amnis aquas.\r\n\r\nThe flood rose to 16.88 meters above sea level measured at the Ripetta. According to Bonini the marker was placed 6 palmi (approx. 1.34m) above the level of the ground. According to Di Martino and Belati this was one of nine commemorative markers for the 1495 flood.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 157-58; F. M. Bonini, Il Tevere incatenato (Rome, 1663), 55; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 155-59; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 164, #7." 179, 12.45987142450398 , 41.90251317113373 , 1476, 1871, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1476 (Flood Marker) , , 201, "\"Casa del Cardinale Piccolomini in Borgo\" (now Palazzo Giraud- Torlonia)\r\n\r\nSEDENTE SIXTO IIII \r\nCREVIT AD HOC SIGNUM TRANSCENDENS LIMINA TYBRIS\r\nOCTAVA IANI QUAE MEMORANDA DIES\r\nTERRITA ROMA NOE REDEUNT NUNC TEMPORA DIXIT\r\nDILUVIO ATQUE ITERUM CORRUET OMNE GENUS\r\nHUNC ANNUM VERSU LONGUM EST DESCRIBERE VERUM\r\nQUAE NUMEROS SIGNAT HIC NOTA IUNCTA DOCET\r\nM.CCCC.LXXVI\r\n\r\n(Recorded in a manuscript in the Biblioteca Angelica)\r\n\r\nThe 1495 flood measured at the Ripetta at 16.88 meters above sea level on 5 November. According to Di Martino and Belati this was one of nine commemorative markers for the 1495 flood.\r\n\r\n\r\nThis marker is missing", , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), inventory item #14; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 155-59; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 49-52, 168 #12." 180, 12.475816919282131, 41.91145945442599 , 1530, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1530 (Flood Marker) , , 202, "Piazza del Popolo; to the right as one enters the Porta del Popolo.\r\n\r\nSEPTIMVS AVRATV CLEMENS GESTABAT HETRVSCVS\r\nSORTE PEDVM HVC SALIIT QVOM VAGVS VSQ TYBER\r\nQVIPPE MEMOR CAPI QVE NO OLVERE PRIORES,\r\nAMNIBVS EPOTIS IN NOVA TECTA RVIT\r\nVTO FORET SPACII IMPLACABILIS, VLTOR ADEPTI, \r\nET CEREREM BACCHVM SVSTVLAT ATQ LARES.\r\n\r\nRESTAGNAVIT VIII ID. OCTOB. AN.\r\nM. D. XXX.\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1530 was particularly disasterous for Rome since the city was still recovering from the 1527 Sack. Although there are only two surviving flood markers (out of 8 recorded by Bonini), the flood was memorialized by many poets and diarists (see Frosini). The flood was completely unexpected since it arrived on 8 October, well before the usual rainy season, and it also reached the highest level ever recorded for the city up to that time - 18.95 meters above sea level (masl).\r\n\r\nThis was the second major flood of the sixteenth century (a flood of 16 masl was recorded in 1514), which experienced the three most devastating floods after the year 1000. Another flood in 1557 reached 18.90 masl, and that of 1598 rose to 19.56 masl. There was serious flooding throughout Italy during this time. The Tiber River basin was particularly vulnerable due to excessive deforestation of the slopes.\r\n\r\nThe inscription was moved from its original location along the property wall of the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo at an unspecified time, but probably when the are was remodelled by Valadier at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The image shows the 1530 inscription with an inscription for the 1598 flood place above. Image courtesy Rosella Nastri.\r\n\r\n", "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159; F. M. Bonini, Il Tevere incatenato (Rome, 1663), 61; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 160-65; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 174, #20; S. Smith, The Tiber and its tributaries (London, 1877), 64-69." 181, 12.477780567913925, 41.897876871844275, 1530, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1530 (Flood Marker) , , 203, "Santa Maria sopra Minerva.\r\n\r\nANNO DNI. M. D. XXX \r\nOCTAVO IDUS OCTOBRIS PONT\r\nVERO SANTISSIMI DNI\r\nCLEMEN PAPE VII ANNO VII\r\n\r\n(left hand with pointing finger--waves--a little row boat with a person -- waves -- a boat)\r\n\r\nHUC TIBER ASCENDIT IAMQ\r\nOBRVTATOTA FVUISSET\r\nROMA NISI HVC CELEREM\r\nVIRGO TVLISSET OPEM\r\n\r\n\r\nThe inscription specifically mentions that it was the intervention of the Virgin that saved Rome.\r\n\r\nThe 1530 flood was particularly disastrous for Rome since the city was still recovering from the 1527 Sack. Although there are only two surviving flood markers (out of 8 recorded by Bonini), the flood was memorialized by many poets and diarists (see Frosini). The flood was completely unexpected since it arrived on 8 October, well before the usual rainy season, and it also reached the highest level ever recorded for the city up to that time - 18.95 meters above sea level (masl).\r\n\r\nThis was the second major flood of the sixteenth century (a flood of 16 masl was recorded in 1514). Another flood in 1557 reached 18.90 masl, and that of 1598 rose to 19.56 masl. There was serious flooding throughout Italy during this time. The Tiber River basin was particularly vulnerable due to excessive deforestation of the slopes.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159; F. M. Bonini, Il Tevere incatenato (Rome, 1663), 60; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 160-65; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 175, #21." 182, 12.475206956107108, 41.896065687229274, 1557, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1557 (Flood Marker) , , 204, "Palazzo Vidoni, Via del Sudario.\r\n\r\n(at the top: little hand with pointing finger; flood line; with little boat at the top_\r\nSVB PAVLO IIII\r\nPONT.MAX.I.P.I.I.I\r\nPONT. ETKR.V.RO\r\nI.TYBRIS AD.H.SIG\r\nCREVIT XVII KLO\r\nCT. A. MDLVII\r\n\r\nThe 1557 flood, which reached 18.90 meters above sea level (masl), was the third major flood of the sixteenth century, and the second most devastating after the year 1000. A flood of 16.00 masl was recorded in 1514, and another of 18.95 was recorded in 1530. Two minor floods (lower than 16.00 masl) followed within 18 months. The final flood of the century, in 1598, rose to 19.56 masl. There was serious flooding throughout Italy during this time. The Tiber River basin was particularly vulnerable due to excessive deforestation of the slopes." , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 166-70; figs 34a and 34b; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 179 #27; L. V. Pastor, Lives of the Popes, IV (1944); G. Beltrami, Leonardo Bufalini (Florence,1880), 33." 183, 12.47778572704901 , 41.89782947846716 , 1557, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1557 (Flood Marker) , , 205, "Santa Maria sopra Minerva, facade.\r\n\r\nM.D.LVII. DIE. XV SEPTEMBRIS\r\nHVC THYBER ADVENIT. PAVLVS DVM\r\nQVARTVS. IN. ANNO\r\nTERNO EIVS. RECTOR MAXIMVS\r\nORBIS ERAT\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe 1557 flood, which reached 18.90 meters above sea level (masl), was the third major flood of the sixteenth century, and the second most devastating after the year 1000. A flood of 16.00 masl was recorded in 1514, and another of 18.95 was recorded in 1530. Two minor floods (lower than 16.00 masl) followed within 18 months. The final flood of the century, in 1598, rose to 19.56 masl. There was serious flooding throughout Italy during this time. The Tiber River basin was particularly vulnerable due to excessive deforestation of the slopes.\r\n\r\nLast modified 17 September 2016. \r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 166-70; figs 34a and 34b; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 180 #28; G. Beltrami, Leonardo Bufalini (Florence,1880), 33." 184, 12.46627771375054 , 41.90270496563053 , 1598, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 206, "Castel Sant' Angelo to the left of the entry.\r\n\r\nAVCTVS. TIBERIS.\r\nAD. HOC. SIGNV~\r\n----------------- (flood line)\r\n.1598.\r\n\r\nThe 1598 flood was the most disastrous recorded in Rome after the year 1000, reaching a level of 19.56 meters above sea level (masl). It marked the culmination of the most devastating century of flooding in the city's history. The Ponte S. Maria (Pons Aemilius) was destroyed, and the Ponte Fabricio (Pons Fabricius) and Ponte Sisto were both badly damaged by this flood.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159-60; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 171-175; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 182, #30" 185, 12.465973372520459, 41.902687915037134, 1598, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 207, "Castel Sant' Angelo (relocated)\r\n\r\nDonated by Giovanni Francesco Aldobrandini, prefect of Castel Sant'Angelo, this marker originally stood on the first internal bastion opposite the Tiber; now it is located in the museum of the Castello.\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1598 was the most disastrous recorded in Rome after the year 1000, reaching a level of 19.56 meters above sea level (masl). It marked the culmination of the most devastating century of flooding in the history of the city. The Ponte S. Maria (Pons Aemilius) was destroyed, and the Ponte Fabricio (Pons Fabricius) and Ponte Sisto were both badly damaged by this flood.\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159-60; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 171-175; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 183, #31." 186, 12.475824783791264, 41.91144714186001 , 1598, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 208, "Piazza del Popolo\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1598 was the most disastrous recorded in Rome after the year 1000, reaching a level of 19.56 meters above sea level (masl). It marked the culmination of the most devastating century of flooding in the history of the city. The Ponte S. Maria (Pons Aemilius) was destroyed, and the Ponte Fabricio (Pons Fabricius) and Ponte Sisto were both badly damaged by this flood.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159-60, fig. 15; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 171-175; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 188, #37." 187, 12.463243810213445, 41.901709431911144, 1598, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 209, "Ospedale di Santo Spirito\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1598 was the most disastrous recorded in Rome after the year 1000, reaching a level of 19.56 meters above sea level (masl). It marked the culmination of the most devastating century of flooding in the history of the city. The Ponte S. Maria (Pons Aemilius) was destroyed, and the Ponte Fabricio (Pons Fabricius) and Ponte Sisto were both badly damaged by this flood.\r\n\r\nBonini states that this marker was placed 9 palmi (approximately 2.00 meters) above the level of the street.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159-60, fig. 18; F. M. Bonini, Il Tevere incatenato (Rome, 1663), 65; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 171-175; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 187, #36." 188, 12.475027366832308, 41.89234752374408 , 1598, 1890, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 210, "\"near to the Church of San Bartolomeo dei Vaccanari\" at the edge of the Ghetto near the Tiber River; (now located at Castel Sant'Angelo)\r\n\r\nVLTRICES HVC VSQ THYBRIS\r\nDVM TOLLERET VNDAS\r\nEXCTINCTA EST PARTV VIRGINIS\r\nIRA DEI (a little hand with pointing finger followed by a line and a little boat on the waves)\r\nDIE VIGESIMA QVARTA DECEMBRIS\r\nANNO DNI M.D.IIC.\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1598 was the most disastrous recorded in Rome after the year 1000, reaching a level of 19.56 meters above sea level (masl). It marked the culmination of the most devastating century of flooding in the history of the city. The Ponte S. Maria (Pons Aemilius) was destroyed, and the Ponte Fabricio (Pons Fabricius) and Ponte Sisto were both badly damaged by this flood.\r\n\r\nThis inscription was moved to Castel Sant'Angelo after the church was demolished to make way for the Embankment Wall." , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159-60; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 171-175; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 184, #32." 189, 12.47778173191882 , 41.89786522228966 , 1598, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 211, "Santa Maria sopra Minerva (facade facing the piazza)\r\n\r\nVLTRICES HVC VSQ THYBRIS\r\nDVM TOLLERET VNDAS\r\nEXTINCTA EST PARTV VIRGINIS\r\nIRA DEI (a little boat on the waves)\r\n(a little hand with finger pointing to the flood line and the waves)\r\nDIE VIGESIMA QVARTA DECEMBRIS\r\nANNO DNI M.D.IIC\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1598 was the most disastrous recorded in Rome after the year 1000, reaching a level of 19.56 meters above sea level (masl). It marked the culmination of the most devastating century of flooding in the history of the city. The Ponte S. Maria (Pons Aemilius) was destroyed, and the Ponte Fabricio (Pons Fabricius) and Ponte Sisto were both badly damaged by this flood.\r\n\r\nBonini states that this marker was placed 15 1/4 palmi (approximately 3.40 meters) above the level of the piazza.\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159-60; F. M. Bonini, Il Tevere incatenato (Rome, 1663), 65; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 171-175; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 185, #33." 190, 12.475204263070223, 41.896028307044965, 1598, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 212, "Palazzo Vidoni; 1598 flood marker\r\n\r\n(at the top: a small boat and waves)\r\nANNO. M.D.XCIIX DIE\r\nXXIV DECEMBRIS SEDENTE\r\nCLEMENTE OCTAVO\r\nTYBRIS HVCVSQVE\r\nSTAGNAVIT\r\n\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1598 was the most disastrous recorded in Rome after the year 1000, reaching a level of 19.56 meters above sea level (masl). It marked the culmination of the most devastating century of flooding in the history of the city. The Ponte S. Maria (Pons Aemilius) was destroyed, and the Ponte Fabricio (Pons Fabricius) and Ponte Sisto were both badly damaged by this flood.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159-60; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 171-175; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome,1980), 193, #44." 191, 12.476008283577334, 41.893191165500944, 1598, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 213, "via Santa Maria de' Calderari 27\r\n\r\nANNO 1598 DIE 24 XBRIS CLEMENTE VIII P. M. IL TEVERE ARIVO A QVESTO SEGNIO\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1598 was the most disastrous recorded in Rome after the year 1000, reaching a level of 19.56 meters above sea level (masl). It marked the culmination of the most devastating century of flooding in the history of the city. The Ponte S. Maria (Pons Aemilius) was destroyed, and the Ponte Fabricio (Pons Fabricius) and Ponte Sisto were both badly damaged by this flood.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159-60; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 171-175; Inventario del monumenti di Roma, I (Rome, 1908-12), Regola 184; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 189, #38." 192, 12.478090997860656, 41.89906610932985 , 1598, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 214, "Palazzo Serlupi-Crescenzi, Via del Seminario 113\r\n\r\nText:\r\n\r\nM.D.IIC /\r\n\r\nTEMPORE.CLEMENTIS.BIS.QVART /\r\n\r\nHIC.MENSE.DECEMBRIS /\r\n\r\nANTE.DIEM.DOMINI /\r\n\r\nTYBRIDIS.VNDA.FUIT\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1598 was the most disastrous recorded in Rome after the year 1000, reaching a level of 19.56 meters above sea level (masl). It marked the culmination of the most devastating century of flooding in the history of the city. The Ponte S. Maria (Pons Aemilius) was destroyed, and the Ponte Fabricio (Pons Fabricius) and Ponte Sisto were both badly damaged by this flood.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159-60; F. M. Bonini, Il Tevere incatenato (Rome, 1663), 65; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 171-175; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 190, #40." 193, 12.478434422494061, 41.90885174201296 , 1598, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 215, "via Laurina (at the corner of Via del Babuino)\r\n\r\nCLEMENTE OCTAVO TIBERINA\r\n(little boat) FVRENTIBVS AVSTRIS\r\n(small wave) HVC VAGA NIMBIFERIS VNDA REGENTE\r\n(pointing finger and line) SALIT. DIE XXIIII DECEMBRIS 1598\r\n(two addorsed dolphins with entwined tails)\r\n\r\nThis flood marker is located about 3 meters above street level (between the 3rd and 4th shop windows at #22) and is difficult to read.\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1598 was the most disastrous recorded in Rome after the year 1000, reaching a level of 19.56 meters above sea level (masl). It marked the culmination of the most devastating century of flooding in the history of the city. The Ponte S. Maria (Pons Aemilius) was destroyed, and the Ponte Fabricio (Pons Fabricius) and Ponte Sisto were both badly damaged by this flood.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 159-60; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 171-175; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 192, #43.

Photo: K. W. Rinne, 2024" 194, 12.466123112396405, 41.902699014912095, 1647, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1647 (Flood Marker) , , 216, "Castel Sant' Angelo (originally located on a Tiber bastion of Castel Sant' Angelo; now located in the ancient Roman level below grade)\r\n\r\nINNOCENTIO.X.PONT.O.M.\r\nANDREA IVSTIANIANO\r\nBASSANI PRINCIPE\r\nARCIS. PRAEFECTO\r\nVII.ID.DECEMB.A.D.M.D.CXLVII\r\nTYBERIS\r\n-----------------------\r\nAD HOC SIGNVM (a little hand with finger pointed to the line of water above)\r\nEXVNDAVIT\r\n\r\nThe 1647 flood measured 16.41 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 24 December. This may be the only extant marker from the 1647 flood.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 160; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 178-80; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980),197, #51." 195, 12.465896307184659, 41.902694006374304, 1660, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1660 (Flood Marker) , , 217, "Castel Sant' Angelo. Agostino Chigi, prefect of the castello, donated the marker:\r\n\r\n(little hand in upper left corner pointing to a line at the top of the marker)\r\nSIGNVM INVDATIONIS\r\nAN. MDCLX. PRID. NON. NOVEMBR.\r\nALEXANDRO. VII. PONT. MAX.\r\nAVGVSTINO CHISIO\r\nARCIS. PRAEF.\r\n\r\nThe 5 November 1660 flood measured 17.11 meters above sea level at the Ripetta. Bonini described that flood as reaching as far as Piazza Colonna. This may be the only surviving marker from the 1660 flood.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161; F. M. Bonini, Il Tevere incatenato (Rome, 1663), 75; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 180-81; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome,1980), 198, #52." 196, 12.463617100773586, 41.901937444356 , 1277, 1879, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1277 (Flood Marker) , , 218, "S Maria in Traspontina (old church)\r\n\r\nText:\r\n\r\n + AN. D. M.CC.LXXVII. SEDE APOSTOLICA VACANTE MENSE NOVEMBRI DIE V \r\n\r\n(as recorded in Codice Casanatense n. 2184)\r\n\r\nLast recorded in 1879; no longer extant.\r\n" , "V. di Martino & M. Belati, Qui Arivvo il Tevere, (Rome, 1980), 161; V. Forcella, Iscrizione delle Chiese... (Rome, 1879), 209." 197, 12.477007354587052, 41.907385222224526, 1805, 2004, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1805 (Flood Marker) , , 219, "Via Canova 21-21a\r\n\r\nThis flood marker was in the shape of a triangle.\r\n\r\nII / FEBRUARI / A. MDCCCV / TIBERIS ILLUVIES / (little boat)\r\n\r\nThe 1805 flood measured 16.42 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 2 February. According to V. Di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), p. 204, item #62, the marker stood 1.74 meters above the street level. \r\n\r\nThis inscription, located on the studio of Antonio Canova must have been sponsored by him. Only a small portion of the inscription was in situ in the 1990s, but even that is missing in 2005 (documented by K. Rinne).\r\n\r\n1805 marked the first serious flood since the late 17th century. There had been three floods during the 18th century (1702 at 15.42 meters above sea level (masl); 1742 at 15.02 masl; and 1750 at 15.58 masl), but none were as damaging as those in the 16th and 17th centuries." , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 183-84; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 204, #62." 198, 12.475583731452137, 41.90462642062443 , 1805, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1805 (Flood Marker) , , 220, "Via del Arancio\r\n\r\n2 FEBRV 1805\r\n(pointing finger, boat, waves)\r\nFLUMEN\r\n\r\n1805 marked the first serious flood since the late 17th century. There had been three floods during the 18th century (1702 at 15.42 meters above sea level (masl); 1742 at 15.02 masl; and 1750 at 15.58 masl), but none were as damaging as those in the 16th and 17th centuries.\r\n\r\nThe 1805 flood measured 16.42 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 2 February.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161, fig. 22; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 183-84; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 202, #59; Inventorio dei Monumenti di Roma, I (Rome, 1908-12)." 199, 12.469650192461387, 41.89440542385952 , 1846, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1846 (Flood Marker) , , 221, "Santa Maria dell' Orazione e Morte, Via Giulia\r\n\r\n10. DEC. 1846\r\n--------------(flood line)\r\n\r\nA small marker is located in the crypt of the church. I have never seen it. There is also a marker for the 1858 flood in the same location.\r\n\r\nThe 1846 flood measured 16.25 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 10 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et, al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 184-88, figs. 35a, b; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 205, #64 and 64bis." 200, 12.469578504516718, 41.89430491842299 , 1858, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1858 (Flood Marker) , , 222, "Santa Maria dell' Orazione e Morte (crypt)\r\n\r\n3. DEC. 1858\r\n~~~~~~~~~~~~ (waves)\r\n\r\nThis flood registered less than 16.00masl (the baseline in Rome for \"remarkable\" floods)" , "Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\", 161-63; V di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 205, #64 bis." 201, 12.47586418014513 , 41.89847100023099 , 1495, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1495 (Flood Marker) , , 223, "Church of San Eustachio, facade\r\n\r\nText:\r\n\r\nAN. SAL. M.V.C \r\nTIBERIS SERENO AERE AD HOC ----- \r\nSIG. CREVIT. NON DECEMB.\r\nALEX. VI. PONT. M. ANNO III\r\n\r\nThe 1495 flood measured at the Ripetta at 16.88 meters above sea level on 5 November. For a discussion of the discrepancies in dating see Frosini (156).\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 157-58; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 155-59; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 167, #10.

Image: K.W. Rinne." 202, 12.47483583900618 , 41.89659485357353 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 224, "Palazzo Valle\r\n\r\nIL 28 DECEMBRE 1870 QUI ARRIVO IL TEVERE\r\n---------------------------------------- (flood line)\r\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (3 rows of waves)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62, fig. 24; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 225, #106." 203, 12.478657050739566, 41.89677885581351 , 1870, 1996, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 225, "Palazzo Guglielmi, Via del Gesu 62\r\n\r\nQUI GIUNSE IL TEVERE\r\nIL DI 28 DECEMBRE\r\n1870\r\n(a hand with pointing finger-------(flood line)---little boat)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 209, #65." 204, 12.476941936559266, 41.90889784021048 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 226, "Via del Corso 525\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, eet. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62, fig. 24; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 209, #66." 205, 12.477065088560826, 41.89887523375616 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 227, "Accademia dei Virtuosi al Pantheon\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 209, #67." 206, 12.475757486959377, 41.8979668651192 , 1870, 1996, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 228, "Piazza della Caprettari 65\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 210, #68;" 207, 12.475507031794809, 41.896949237723106, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 229, "Via dei Redentoristi 18\r\n\r\nText: \r\nALLUVIONE \r\nDEL 28 DECEMBRE 1870 \r\n-------------------- (flood line)\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 210, #69." 208, 12.475058583344078, 41.897221298077596, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 230, "Via del Teatro Valle 53b\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 210, #70." 209, 12.478651847627562, 41.90352525241859 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 231, "San Lorenzo in Lucina (portico)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62, fig. 24; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980),211, #72." 210, 12.47717201983542 , 41.89089059045582 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 232, "Ospedale Fatebenefratelli, inner courtyard\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL 28 DECEM 1870\r\n---------------------------(flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 211, #73." 211, 12.478449134135424, 41.899088907853844, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 233, "Palazzo Serlupi-Crescenzi, Via del Seminario 113\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL 28 DECEM 1870\r\n-------------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62, fig. 24.P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 212, #74." 212, 12.474543680375517, 41.89611609063722 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 234, "Piazza Vidoni, on side wall of San Andrea della Valle\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM 1870\r\n------------------------ (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62, fig. 23; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 212, #75." 213, 12.473170483345706, 41.90108160472329 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 235, "Piazza San Apollinare 48\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM 1870\r\n---------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 213, #76." 214, 12.474496087829193, 41.898280242016604, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 236, "Cortile della Sapienza (Courtyard of Sapienza University, now Archivio di Stato)\r\n\r\nTwo flood markers stand opposite each other in the courtyard. They share the same inscription:\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n------------------------ (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 213, #77." 215, 12.47450341816451 , 41.898094331600156, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 237, "Cortile della Sapienza (Courtyard of Sapienza University, now Archivio di Stato)\r\n\r\nTwo flood markers stand opposite each other in the courtyard. They share the same inscription:\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n------------------------ (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 213, #77bis." 216, 12.474922821928677, 41.895783302502664, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 238, "Via Monte della Farina 57/58\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n------------------------ (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December. This targa is placed 2.20 meters above the level of the street.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 214, #78." 217, 12.480688343838086, 41.904615930189195, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 239, "Via Borgognana 33\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n------------------------ (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 214, #79." 218, 12.476420993088494, 41.899898561663086, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 240, "Via della Rosetta, at Via del Pozzo delle Cornacchie\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n--------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 214, #80." 219, 12.47645743267717 , 41.89782438098955 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 241, "Via della Rotonda, 41b\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE\r\nDEL 28 DECEM\r\n1870\r\n(arrow pointing north = flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 225, #107." 220, 12.476491098230275, 41.89926858717681 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 242, "Piazza della Rotonda, 6\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n---------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 215, #82." 221, 12.48311672683452 , 41.88949813318897 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 243, "Church of San Giorgio in Velabro (portico)\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n------------------------ (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 215, #81." 222, 12.477785899346003, 41.8978197569499 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 244, "Santa Maria sopra Minerva (facade)\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE . DEL . DECEM . 1870\r\n----------------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 216, #83." 223, 12.470409454702844, 41.90152542130407 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 245, "Via di Tor di Nona (at Arco di Parma)\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n------------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 161-62; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome,1980), 216, #84." 224, 12.467729457578988, 41.903259363693884, 1878, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1878 (Flood Marker) , , 246, "Castel Sant' Angelo, (along the corridoio pilaster at the fossa [ditch])\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE\r\n_________\r\n\r\nNovembre 1878 (written in script)\r\na lower line of text is badly damaged\r\n\r\nA flood marker from November 1878 (no specific day given)" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 163; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 227, #111." 225, 12.466912092450334, 41.893292846332784, 1900, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1900 (Flood Marker) , , 247, "Palazzo Corsini, on Via della Lungara\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECM 1900\r\n----------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1900 flood measured 16.17 meters above sea level (masl) at the Ripetta on 2 December, and was responsible for the partial collapse of the newly constructed Tiber embankment wall.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 163-164; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 277-89, figs. 57a,b; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 227, #112." 226, 12.478427271384401, 41.890345867460496, 1900, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1900 (Flood Marker) , , 248, "San Bartolomeo al Isola (convent garden)\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DI DECEM 1900\r\n(no flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1900 flood measured 16.17 meters above sea level (masl) at the Ripetta on 2 December, and was responsible for the partial collapse of the newly constructed Tiber embankment wall.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 163-164; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 277-89, figs. 57a,b; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 228, #113." 227, 12.470781607022664, 41.901657672347824, 1900, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1900 (Flood Marker) , , 249, "Poligono di Tor di Quinto (beneath the entry arch on the left) -- THIS FEATURE HAS BEEN INCORRECTLY PLACED ON THE MAP\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE\r\n---------\r\nDECEMBRE 1900\r\n\r\nThe 1900 flood measured 16.17 meters above sea level (masl) at the Ripetta on 2 December, and was responsible for the partial collapse of the newly constructed Tiber embankment wall.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 163-64; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 277-89, figs. 57a,b; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome,1980), 228, #114." 228, 12.476713985256369, 41.90663741528129 , 1870, 1930, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 250, "Via dei Pontefici 58 (Current location unknown)\r\n\r\nThe inscription was displaced for the construction of Piazza Augusto Imperatore during the 1930's. It most likely resembled the other 1870 inscriptions, and was therefore not visually documented in the 1908-1912 survey of Rome's monuments.\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; Inventario del monumenti di Roma, I (Rome, 1908-12), Campo Marzio, 353. Interestingly, it isnt listed in the inventory of V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome,1980)." 229, 12.478103937129411, 41.897026074239285, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 251, "Via della Pigna 12\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n----------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome,1980), 217, #85." 230, 12.47628891567857 , 41.896738075380576, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 252, "Via del Monterone, at via di Torre Argentina\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE. DEL. DECEM. 1870\r\n--------------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; Bencivenga, et. al., 162-63; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 217, #86." 231, 12.478044512047392, 41.89470168922348 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 253, "Palazzo Caetani in Via delle Botteghe Oscure\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE. DEL. DECEM. 1870\r\n-------------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 217, #87." 232, 12.478052505561505, 41.8902812464183 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 254, "San Bartolomeo all' Isola (west wall facing the Tiber)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 218, #88." 233, 12.470195627410437, 41.89126984684018 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 255, "Via del Moro, at Vicolo del Cinque\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE. DEL. DECEM. 1870\r\n------------------------ (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 218, #89." 234, 12.473459799203308, 41.89843504400165 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 256, "Piazza Navona 98\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n---------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 224, #102." 235, 12.473088644664662, 41.89713000784356 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 257, "Piazza di San Pantaleo 13\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECE (m. 1870) right edge is broken off\r\n----------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 219, #91." 236, 12.474075745849499, 41.89429863932777 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 258, "Via dei Giubbonari 27\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n----------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December. \r\n\r\nThis inscription is located 00.47 meters above the level of the street.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 219, #92." 237, 12.480025937235757, 41.899966507567626, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 259, "Via di Pietra 89a/90\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992),, 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 220, #93." 238, 12.479748731706465, 41.901640704044084, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 260, "Via dello Sdrucciolo, at via del Corso\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n---------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nNo longer visible because the street is now closed off but perhaps it is still in place." , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 220, #94." 239, 12.48015777188755 , 41.90390510179745 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 261, "Via Frattina 69\r\n\r\nText: (damaged when a door was cut through the marker) \r\n..LLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n------------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 220, #95." 240, 12.470090509912794, 41.90157477520929 , 1870, 1875, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 262, "Via Leccosa -- original location\r\n(now at Palazzo Braschi)\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n---------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December. It was relocated to Palazzo Braschi when the Embankment wall was built.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 221, #96." 241, 12.477344970194487, 41.899433963712866, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 263, "Via degli Orfani 86\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n----------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 222, #98." 242, 12.472816677096535, 41.89790213676035 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 264, "Piazza Navona 7, at Via di Pasquino\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n---------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 222, #99." 243, 12.478473862829285, 41.8995151609206 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 265, "Via delle Paste, at Via dei Pastini\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE . DE. DECEM. 1870\r\n-------------------------(flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 223, #100." 244, 12.472911407611864, 41.900091975105674, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 266, "Piazza Navona 52\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n---------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 223, #101." 245, 12.47498833028509 , 41.89833336355641 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 267, "Piazza San Eustachio, on the back wall of the Sapienza\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n---------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 219, #90." 246, 12.468612308255114, 41.89696368561128 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 268, "Via di Monserrato 20\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM 1870\r\n--------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 162-63; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-98; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 226, #109." 300, 12.475704803787849, 41.90543112728077 , 1821, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Idrometro di Ripetta a Largo S. Rocca , , 322, "Location: Church of S. Rocco, Campo Marzio\r\nCoordinates: 41°54'19.5\"N 12°28'32.2\"E (Google)\r\nElevation at grade: 16.20masl\r\n\r\nAccording to Capograssi Guarna, the hydrometer lists the following floods by their respective levels starting with the most devastating:\r\n\r\nDecember 1598 (19.56 meters above sea level); October 1530 (18.95); January 1606 (18.26); February 1637 (17.55); December 1870 (17.22); November 1669 (17.11); December 1495 (16.88); February 1805 (16.42); December 1846 (16.25); November 1686 (16.00); December 1750 (15.53); December 1702 (15.41); and February 1843 (15.34). This idrometro does not record the following floods: 1378, 1412, 1476, 1491, 1510, 1513, 1539, 1547, 1557 (which reached 18.90 meters), 1589, 1628, or 1660.\r\n\r\nIn process: 23 November 2022\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, E. Di Loreto, and L. Liperi, \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1996), 168, fig. 31; B. Capograssi Guarna, Il Tevere (Rome, 1871)." 301, 12.475175265264905, 41.9049824906697 , 1606, 1830, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Idrometro di Porto di Ripetta , , 323, "This hydrometer records the levels of the January 1606 and February 1637 floods. Originally located along the Tiber River at the Ripetta it is now located in the Palazzo Firenze courtyard where it was moved in 1830.\r\n\r\nSee object #1220 for current location." , "M. Bencivenga, E. Di Loreto, and L. Liperi, \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1996), 157, fig. 19." 302, 12.470991596904453, 41.8925165936158 , 1871, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Idrometro di Ponte Sisto , , 324, "" , "NULL" 303, 12.475202648817568, 41.905149429905315, 1704, 1886, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Idrometro del Porto di Ripetta , , 325, "This is one of two hydrometers constructed in 1704 as part of the grand staircase of the Porto di Ripetta. It was moved in 1886 when the Ripetta was destroyed for the construction of the Embankment of the Tiber River and the construction of the Ponte Cavour were completed. It records the levels of the 1495, 1537, and 1660 floods.\r\n\r\nBetween 1929 and 1930 it was moved to its current location in the traffic island at Piazza della Porta di Ripetta. " , "M. Bencivenga, E. Di Loreto, and L. Liperi, \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1996), 157, fig. 20; A. M. Taja, Lettera, e poetici componimenti...(Rome, 1705)." 747, 12.481490321616485, 41.90303219047306 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 791, "Via della Mercede 62\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE\r\n--------- (flood line)\r\n1870\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al, Il regime idrologico del Tevere (Rome, 1992), 163; P. Frosini, Il Tevere; le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977); Di Marine e Belati, Qui Arrivo il Tevere (Rome: 1870, p. 226, #110." 748, 12.466953271639246, 41.89323382490502 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 792, "Palazzo Corsini, via della Lungara (entry)\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECM 1870\r\n(arrow point-------------------(arrow point)\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al, Il regime idrologico del Tevere (Rome, 1992), 163; Di Martini and Belati, Qui Arrivo` il Tevere (Rome, 1980), p. 226, #108." 749, 12.466342039445326, 41.90246189760041 , 1915, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1915 (Flood Marker) , , 793, "Embankment wall below S. Michele (Carved into the wall; not a plaque)\r\n\r\n 14.2.1915\r\n -----------\r\n ALLUVIONE\r\n\r\nThe 1915 flood measured 16.08 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 2 February.\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al, Il regime idrologico del Tevere (Rome, 1992), 166; Di Martino and Belati, Qui Arrivò il Tevere (Rome: 1980), p, 229, #117; P. Frosini, Il Tevere; le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 289-293." 750, 12.481632847038423, 41.8882736125283 , 1900, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1900 (Flood Marker) , , 794, "S. Maria in Cosmedin (to the right of the Sacristy entry)\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE\r\n---------\r\n1 DEC. 1900" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al, Il regime idrologico del Tevere (Rome, 1992), 163; P. Frosini, Il Tevere; le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 277-289." 751, 12.481791629587839, 41.888457530551875, 1900, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1900 (Flood Marker) , , 795, "Santa Maria in Cosmedin (under the entry portico)\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE\r\n---------\r\n1 DEC. 1900\r\n\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al, Il regime idrologico del Tevere (Rome, 1992), 163; P. Frosini, Il Tevere; le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 277-289. P. Frosini, Il Tevere; le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 277-289; Di Martino and Belati, Qui Arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), p. 229, #116bis." 753, 12.477221816937734, 41.89102125535522 , 1937, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1937 (Flood Marker) , , 797, "Ospedale Fatebenefratelli (inner courtyard) placed above an inscription from the 1870 flood.\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL 17 DECEM. 1937\r\n--------------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\n\r\nThe 1937 flood measured 16.90 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 17 December.\r\n\r\n" , "P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 93-303; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere (Rome, 1980)" 754, 12.476105901315355, 41.88485825405266 , 1937, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1937 (Flood Marker) and Idrometro di Ripa Grande, , 798, "RIPA GRANDE\r\n\r\nThis idrometro is accompanied by a 1937 flood marker that indicates the flood reached 16.54 masl at this point (on 18 December), not 16.90 masl as at the Ripetta idrometro (on 17 December).\r\n\r\n" , "P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 293-303; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere (Rome, 1980)" 755, 12.478141897998395, 41.89036767656433 , 1937, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1937 (Flood Marker) , , 799, "Church of San Bartolomeo al Isola (main entry portico)\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL 17 DECEM. 1937\r\n\r\nThe 1937 flood measured 16.90 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 17 December.\r\n" , "P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 293-303; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere (Rome, 1980)" 756, 12.465971813528519, 41.90272511070337 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 800, "Castel S. Angelo\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE\r\nDEL 28 DECEMBRE 1870\r\n--------------------(flood line)\r\n\r\nThis flood marker is now housed in the Castel Sant'Angelo Museum (no longer in its original location within the castello).\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al, Il regime idrologico del Tevere (Rome, 1992), 163; P. Frosini, Il Tevere; le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-233; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere (Rome, 1980), p. 224, fig. 104." 757, 12.478263138609726, 41.89716133952172 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 801, "Piazza della Pigna 54 (Trattoria della Pigna)\r\n\r\nDEL 28 DECEM 1870\r\n----------------- (flood line)\r\nGIUSEPPE BELLINI POSE\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al, Il regime idrologico del Tevere (Rome, 1992), 163; P. Frosini, Il Tevere; le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-233; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere (Rome, 1980), p. 225, #105." 758, 12.478743333565065, 41.903192195534615, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 802, "San Lorenzo in Lucina (behind the altar)\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE 28 DEC. 1870\r\n---------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nThe 1870 flood measured 17.22 meters above sea level at the Ripetta on 29 December.\r\n" , "M. Bencivenga, et. al, Il regime idrologico del Tevere (Rome, 1992), 163; P. Frosini, Il Tevere; le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-233; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere (Rome, 1980), p. 211, fig. 71." 759, 12.473440317070603, 41.9022682043911 , 1495, 1890, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1495 (Flood Marker) , , 803, "Case Caetani all'Orso (original location; now lost)\r\n\r\nALEX. VI. PONT. MAX.\r\n(little hand with pointing finger) --------\r\nCAMPOS TEMPLA DOMOS TIBERIS SPIRANTIBUS AUSTRIS\r\nSPARSIT ET HOC SIGNUM CONTIGIT AUCTUS AQUIS\r\nMCCCC.LXXXXV. MENS.\r\nDECEMB.\r\n\r\nThe text is according to Bonini. He places the level (little hand with line) at 17 palmi (about 3.8 meters) above the level of the street. Bonini's measurements indicate (in a rough fashion) that the level of the ground in this location was little more than 13 m.a.s.l. as the time. The 1495 flood measured at the Ripetta at 16.88 meters above sea level on 5 November. For a discussion of the discrepancies in dating see Frosini (156).\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "F. M. Bonini, Del Tevere incatenato, Lib. I (Rome: 1663), 56; M. Bencivenga, et. al., \\"Il regime idrologico del Tevere\\" (Rome, 1992), 157-58; P. Frosini, Il Tevere: le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 155-59; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 167." 760, 12.483467744174144, 41.8932904213542 , 1871, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 di Vittorio Emmanuele II , , 804, "This inscription does not record the level of the flood but rather the sentiments of the new government of Italy." , "M. Bencivenga, et. al, Il regime idrologico del Tevere (Rome, 1992), 163; P. Frosini, Il Tevere; le inondazione di Roma (Rome, 1977), 189-233; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere (Rome, 1980)." 844, 12.474746467472016, 41.90167586540287, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 883, "via dei Portoghesi (next to #12)\r\n\r\nThis marker is not listed in Di Martino and Belati. No street number #120 exists. I have placed the inscription outside #42 until I obtain more precise information. Do not quote mapped location." , "Istituto di Studi Romani, Iscrizioni della Città di Roma dal 1871 al 1920, Luigi Huetter, ed. Vol III (Florence: Cartografica S.P.A. 1962) 394." 844, 12.47387157307735 , 41.901856878393275, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 884, "via dei Portoghesi (next to #12)\r\n\r\nThis marker is not listed in Di Martino and Belati. No street number #120 exists. I have placed the inscription outside #42 until I obtain more precise information. Do not quote mapped location." , "Istituto di Studi Romani, Iscrizioni della Città di Roma dal 1871 al 1920, Luigi Huetter, ed. Vol III (Florence: Cartografica S.P.A. 1962) 394." 1046, 12.479087962324972, 41.90392093780846 , 1598, 1912, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 1080, "Via del Corso 457 (no longer extant)\r\n\r\nADDI 24 XMBRE 1598 ARIVO (sic) IL FIUME A QVS. SEG.\r\n\r\nThe 1598 flood reached a level of 19.56 meters above sea level.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "Inventario dei monumenti di Roma (Rome, 1908-12), Campo Marzio 157." 1187, 12.47447520667386 , 41.891534320154896, 1887, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Idrometro a Ponte Cavour , , 1208, "\r\n" , "I am indebted to Ing. Bruno Leoni for drawing this hydrometer to my attention." 1191, 12.463545519720892, 41.90192281041485 , 1230, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1230 (Flood Marker) , Flood Marker, 1212, "Santa Maria in Traspontina\r\n\r\nThe Chronica of Riccardo de Sancto Germano describes the flood:\r\n\r\nMense Februarii, primo die mensis eiusdem, Rome Tiberis fluuius per alluuionem usque adeo inundauit, quod occupauit de domibus Urbis usque ad sanctum Petrum et usque ad sanctum Paulum, quod tanti causa timoris Romanis omnibus extitit, ut mox de communi consilio, metu mortis, dominum papam ad Urbem de Perusio reuocarent. Qui rediens, a senatu populoque Romano ingenti cum gaudio est receptus.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe inscription read:\r\n\r\nANNO DNI M.CC.XXX. T. D. G. G. VIIII. PP.\r\nANNO EIUS III INDIC. III. MENSE FEBRUARIJ\r\nDIE II FLUMEN CREVIT USQUE HUC + \r\n(Codice Casatenense n. 2184)\r\n\r\nThe inscription was lost when the old church was dismantled and rebuilt beginning in 1564. However I have heard (but not verified) that it was transferred to the new church where it is now located in the Chapel of SS Peter and Paul." , "Chronica Ryccardi de Sancto Germano, in L. A. Muratori, Rerum, italicarum scriptores, volume VII, part 2, p. 165." 1220, 12.497994323109095, 41.88926853397844 , -1830, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Idrometro di Porto di Ripetta (Palazzo Firenze) , , 1235, "This hydrometer records the levels of the January 1606 and February 1637 floods. Originally located along the Tiber River at the Ripetta it is now located in the Palazzo Firenze courtyard where it was moved in 1830.\r\n\r\nSee object #301 for original location.\r\n\r\nIn process. 3 November 2022. Not mapped." , "NULL" 1220, 12.475978856464097, 41.90252663775385 , -1830, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, , , , , "NULL" 1220, 12.47599007071798 , 41.90252904295512 , -1830, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, , , , , "NULL" 1220, 12.475991255591525, 41.90252558304765 , -1830, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, , , , , "NULL" 1220, 12.475979925448172, 41.90252316388782 , -1830, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, , , , , "NULL" 1220, 12.47597886840358 , 41.902526551323035, -1830, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Idrometro di Porto di Ripetta (Palazzo Firenze) , , 1236, "This hydrometer records the levels of the January 1606 and February 1637 floods. Originally located along the Tiber River at the Ripetta it is now located in the Palazzo Firenze courtyard where it was moved in 1830.\r\n\r\nSee object #301 for original location.\r\n\r\nIn process. 3 November 2022. Not mapped." , "NULL" 1220, 12.482218621187192, 41.89593697888098 , -1830, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Idrometro di Porto di Ripetta (Palazzo Firenze) , , 1237, "This hydrometer records the levels of the January 1606 and February 1637 floods. Originally located along the Tiber River at the Ripetta it is now located in the Palazzo Firenze courtyard where it was moved in 1830.\r\n\r\nSee object #301 for original location.\r\n\r\nIn process. 3 November 2022. Not mapped." , "NULL" 1232, 12.473657028164908, 41.898149904024976, 1530, 1800, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1530 (Flood Marker) , , 1238, "San Giacomo degli Spagnoli (original location; now lost)\r\n\r\nQVOD TANGIT DIGITVS TETIGIT VERTICIBUS VNDA\r\nHEV SIGNVM TVMIDIS HORRIFERI TIBERI\r\n(pointing finger)\r\nVIII. OCTO. M.D.XXX.\r\nSEDENTIBVS CLEM. VII P. MAX. ROM.\r\nCAROLO V. ROM. IMP. HISP. HIERVS.\r\nAC VTRIUSQ. SICIL. CATHOL. INVICTO. \r\nBAL. DEL RIO EPISC. SCAL. GUB. ALF.\r\nRAMIREZ. ARCH. DE MOYA IN ECCL.\r\nCONCHEN. CHRIS. DE BADAIOZ. AB\r\nBAS XL MARTYR. ADMINISTRATOR\r\nAERE SVO POSVERE\r\n(Text as reported by Valesio)\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1530 was particularly disastrous for Rome since the city was still recovering from the 1527 Sack. Although there are only two surviving flood markers (out of 8 recorded by Bonini), the flood was memorialized by many poets and diarists (see Frosini). The flood was completely unexpected since it arrived on 8 October, well before the usual rainy season, and it also reached the highest level ever recorded for the city up to that time - 18.95 meters above sea level (masl).\r\n\r\nThis was the second major flood of the sixteenth century (a flood of 16 masl was recorded in 1514), which experienced the three most devastating floods after the year 1000. Another flood in 1557 reached 18.90 masl, and that of 1598 rose to 19.56 masl. There was serious flooding throughout Italy during this time. The Tiber River basin was particularly vulnerable due to excessive deforestation of the slopes." , "F. M. Bonini, Del Tevere incatenato, Lib. I (Rome: 1663); V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 173, #19; F. Valesio, Inscriptiones Inundationes Tyberis denotantes. Codice Capitolino, credenza XIV, 39." 1233, 12.465858751920061, 41.902540802917365, 1530, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1530 (Flood Marker) , , 1239, "Castel San'Angelo, Bastione di San Matteo (original location; now lost)\r\n\r\nMEMORIAE\r\nINVSITATI AVCTVS TIBERIS AMNIS\r\nAD HOC SIGNVM (little pointing finger, followed by line)\r\nQVO ROMA SERENO TEMPORE FACTA EST\r\nTOTA NAVIGABILIS\r\nVIII IDVS OCTOB. M. DXXX CLEM. VII\r\nPONT MAS. AN VII\r\nBVIDO MEDICES ARCIS PRAEF.\r\nPOSIT\r\n(text from Codice Chigiano H, II: 45)\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1530 was particularly disastrous for Rome since the city was still recovering from the 1527 Sack. Although there are only two surviving flood markers (out of 8 recorded by Bonini), the flood was memorialized by many poets and diarists (see Frosini). The flood was completely unexpected since it arrived on 8 October, well before the usual rainy season, and it also reached the highest level ever recorded for the city up to that time - 18.95 meters above sea level (masl).\r\n\r\nThis was the second major flood of the sixteenth century (a flood of 16 masl was recorded in 1514), which experienced the three most devastating floods after the year 1000. Another flood in 1557 reached 18.90 masl, and that of 1598 rose to 19.56 masl. There was serious flooding throughout Italy during this time. The Tiber River basin was particularly vulnerable due to excessive deforestation of the slopes.\r\n\r\nThis inscription was originally placed 3.50 meters above ground level." , "F. M. Bonini, Del Tevere incatenato, Lib. I (Rome: 1663); V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 176; F. Valesio, Inscriptiones Inundationes Tyberis denotantes. Codice Capitolino, credenza XIV, 39; Lanciani, Storia degli Scavi, 1: 246." 1234, 12.468865250472962, 41.8920752911066 , 1530, 1900, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1530 (Flood Marker) , , 1240, "\"in a little chapel between Porta Settimina and Ponte Sisto\" (original location: now lost)\r\n\r\nCLEMENS VII\r\nAQUA TIBERIS HOC SIGNUM\r\nDIE VIII OCTOBRIS M.D.XXX.\r\nPASQUALE DE VERI D'ASCOLI\r\n(text according to Bonini)\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1530 was particularly disastrous for Rome since the city was still recovering from the 1527 Sack. Although there are only two surviving flood markers (out of 8 recorded by Bonini), the flood was memorialized by many poets and diarists (see Frosini). The flood was completely unexpected since it arrived on 8 October, well before the usual rainy season, and it also reached the highest level ever recorded for the city up to that time - 18.95 meters above sea level (masl).\r\n\r\nThis was the second major flood of the sixteenth century (a flood of 16 masl was recorded in 1514), which experienced the three most devastating floods after the year 1000. Another flood in 1557 reached 18.90 masl, and that of 1598 rose to 19.56 masl. There was serious flooding throughout Italy during this time. The Tiber River basin was particularly vulnerable due to excessive deforestation of the slopes." , "F. M. Bonini, Del Tevere incatenato, Lib. I (Rome: 1663), 60; E. Celani, \\"Alcuni iscrizione sulle inondazioni del Tevere, B.Comm. 1895, p. 295, #20; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 177; F. Valesio, Inscriptiones Inundationes Tyberis denotantes." 1235, 12.471509804124864, 41.899782630214155, 1530, 1900, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1530 (Flood Marker) , , 1241, "Church of Santa Maria della Pace\r\n\r\nBonino recorded this 1530 flood marker as located at the Tempio della Pace, by which he means the Church of Santa Maria della Pace. Di Martino and Belati (1980: 177) report that this flood marker has been lost, but this author (Rinne) saw the marker on 21 February 2010 located on the left door jamb of the main entry into the church. (A marker from the 1598 flood is located on the opposite door jamb).\r\n\r\nA pointing finger enters the frame from the lower left below a line that indicates the flood level. The inscriptions wraps around the door frame to the right.\r\n\r\nHVCVSQ(VE) (the last two letters wrap around)\r\nTIBRIS \r\nM.D.XX(X) (the last letter wraps around)\r\nVIII.OCT(OB) (the last two letters wrap around)\r\n---------\r\na little hand with pointed finger (positioned just below the line) points up to the line\r\n\r\na small cross is inscribed just below the pointing finger\r\n\r\nphoto: K. Rinne, 21 February 2010" , "F. M. Bonini, Del Tevere incatenato, Lib. I (Rome: 1663), 60; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 177, #24 (text is incorrectly presented); F. Valesio, Inscriptiones Inundationes Tyberis denotantes." 1236, 12.472854697644552, 41.900535626997865, 1530, 1900, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1530 (Flood Marker) , , 1242, "Tor Sanguigna (original location; now lost)\r\n\r\n\"sul muro di una casa a Tor Sanguigna\"\r\n\r\nTYBER VIII. ID. OCTOBR. M.D.XXX.\r\nCLEMENTE SEPT. PONT. MAX.\r\nAD HOC SIGNUM CREVIT BART.\r\nTHOMEUS LEPRIS\r\nSARCTOR. P.\r\n\r\n(Text according to Castiglione)\r\n\r\nNo longer extant.\r\n\r\nThe flood of 1530 was particularly disastrous for Rome since the city was still recovering from the 1527 Sack. Although there are only two surviving flood markers (out of 8 recorded by Bonini), the flood was memorialized by many poets and diarists (see Frosini). The flood was completely unexpected since it arrived on 8 October, well before the usual rainy season, and it also reached the highest level ever recorded for the city up to that time - 18.95 meters above sea level (masl).\r\n\r\nThis was the second major flood of the sixteenth century (a flood of 16 masl was recorded in 1514), which experienced the three most devastating floods after the year 1000. Another flood in 1557 reached 18.90 masl, and that of 1598 rose to 19.56 masl. There was serious flooding throughout Italy during this time. The Tiber River basin was particularly vulnerable due to excessive deforestation of the slopes." , "J. Castiglione, Trattato dell\\047inondatione del Tevere (Rome: 1599); V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 173; F. Valesio, Inscriptiones Inundationes Tyberis denotantes." 1237, 12.477860006143546, 41.8978468190626 , 1389, 1900, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1379 (Flood Marker) , , 1243, "S. Maria sopra Minerva (original location; NO LONGER EXTANT)\r\n\r\nANNO DNI M.CCC.LXXVIIII DIE NONA MENSIS\r\nNOVEMBRIS FLUMEN CREVIT USQUE HUC + IN DIE\r\nS. SALVATORIS\r\n\r\n(Text according to Codice Chigiano, I, V: 167)\r\n\r\nBonini reports that the marker stood \"10 palmi\" above the level of the street. Frosini suggests that the level of the flood exceeded 17 m. a. s. l.\r\n\r\n" , "F. M. Bonini, Del Tevere incatenato, Lib. I (Rome: 1663), 51; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 162; P. Frosini, Il Tevere (Rome: 1977), 152-53." 1238, 12.477438553721017, 41.90472469055768 , 1557, 1800, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1557 (Flood Marker) , , 1244, "\"on the wall of a house heading to the little piazza of Otto Cantoni\" \r\n\r\nDIE 15 7:BRIS\r\n1557\r\nAQUA TIBRIS HUC USQ.\r\n\r\n(As recorded in an anonymous manuscript from the late 16th century: MS. 153, f. 67, Biblioteca Angelica)\r\n\r\nPlacement on map is conjectural." , "MS. 153, f. 67, Biblioteca Angelica; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 178;" 1239, 12.472402766694538, 41.90188878938636 , 1589, 1870, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1589 (Flood Marker) , , 1245, "\"on the wall of an osteria at the Orso (Via del Orso)\r\n\r\nA DI X. DI NOVEMBRE 1589\r\nARIVO IL FIUME A' QUESTO\r\nSEGNO --------------\r\n\r\nThis seems to be the first flood inscription written in Italian.\r\n\r\nNo longer extant." , "Ms. 153, f. 59, Biblioteca Angelica; F. M. Bonini, Del Tevere incatenato, Lib. I (Rome: 1663), 65; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 181;" 1241, 12.462503699846337, 41.901598570888616, 1495, 1900, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1495 (Flood Marker) , , 1247, "Hospital of Santo Spirito (original location; now lost)\r\n\r\n1495 TIBER EXUNDANS MOX VENIT\r\nAD HANC CRUCEM + PONT. D. ALEX.\r\nVI AN. E. III. IN FESTO SANCTAE\r\nBARBARAE IIII. MENSIS DECEMBRIS\r\n\r\n(Text according to Castiglione who places the marker 1.8 meters above the level of the ground)" , "J. Castiglione, Trattato dell\\047inondatione del Tevere (Rome: 1599), 77; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 173." 1242, 12.465101521820626, 41.899532397946494, 1598, 1871, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 1248, "\"presso l'oratorio di S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini.\"\r\n\r\nANNO DOMINI MDIIC DIE\r\nXXIII DECEMBR\r\nHUC UNDA INCLEMENS DUM SUB LEMENTE\r\nSUPERBIT\r\nPACIS REX ORITUR TYBRIDIS IRA\r\nPERIT\r\nSANETES VANNINUS DISTORIEN INSCULP. F.\r\n\r\n(Recorded in the Atti della Commissione, 1871)\r\n\r\nNo longer extant." , "Atti della Commissione istituita con decreto del min. LL. PP. 1 gennaio 1871......, 285; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 194." 1243, 12.475292223130442, 41.88413142392963 , 1598, 1870, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 1249, "\"A Ripa sul muro della Dogana Vecchia\" \r\n\r\nThis flood inscription is distinctive in part because it represented a \"scene\" rather than simply symbols. Here a little group of houses were arranged in a half-circle as though along the shore of a small lake. The water fills and overflows the space between them and a pointing hand indicates a little boat and the line of the flood. In Valesio, \"Inscriptiones Inundationes Tybris denotantes.\" (Codice Capitolino, Cred. XIV, Tomo XXXIX, Archivio Storico Capitolino.\r\n\r\nA. D. M.D.XCVIII. DIE XXIV\r\nXBRIS. SEDENTE CLEMENTE VIII P. M.\r\nHEI ROMA HEI MICHI QUE OLIM AURI\r\nFERA SCEPTRA SUBEGI\r\nET NUNC ME VILIS DESTRUIT\r\nUNDAS THYBRIS\r\n(little hand, boat, and little houses under water)\r\nFRANCISCUS TUDINUS ROMANUS\r\nFECIT ET POSUIT\r\n\r\nNo longer extant. See also, inventory item #1247 for a 1606 flood marker at the same location, also donated by Francesco Tudino.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" , "Codice Chigiano H, II: 45, folio 60; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 191." 1245, 12.465222435813171, 41.9006108148893 , 1598, 1870, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 1250, "Via del Panico \"sul muro del fondaco di Virginio Falchetti\"\r\n\r\nANNO 1598. DIE. 24 DECEMBRIS\r\nCLEMENTE VIII. PONT. M. TIBER\r\nHUC USQ. (image of a wave and little hand)\r\nPERVENIT ET URBS NAVIGABILIS\r\nFACTA FUIT\r\n\r\n(Text as related by Castiglione), 77.\r\n\r\nNo longer extant." , "J. Castiglione, Trattato dell\047inondatione del Tevere (Rome: 1599), 77; V. Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 194." 1246, 12.47641167838854 , 41.89494327056438 , 1598, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 1251, "Via Florida (Original location, now missing)\r\n\r\nANN. DOM. MDXCVIII\r\nDIE XXIV DECEMBRIS\r\nPONTIFIC. CLEM. VIII\r\nAN. VII. AD HOC SIGNUM PERVENIT TIBER\r\n\r\nTranscribed in: Atti della Commissione istituita con decreto del min. LL.PP. 1 gennaio 1871 per studiare e proporre i mezzi di rendere le piene del Tevere innocue all citta di Roma (Rome: 1872), p.286." , "V. Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 194." 1247, 12.476862223725444, 41.88550939061056 , 1606, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1606 (Flood Marker) , , 1252, "Originally located at the Dogana Vecchia. No longer extant.\r\n\r\nA. D. MDCVI. DE. XXIII.IANUARIJ\r\nSEDENTE. PAOLO V. P.O.M.\r\nHIC TIBER ASCENDIT (little hand pointing to waves and a boat)\r\nFRAN. TUDINUS. P.\r\n\r\nText according to Valesio. See also inventory item #1243 for a 1598 flood marker at the same location, also donated by Francesco Tudino.\r\n\r\nAccording to Bonini, it was located 9 palmi above the level of the ground." , "NULL" 1248, 12.476664931490944, 41.8853043719811 , 1637, 1889, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1637 (Flood Marker) , , 1253, "Originally located at the Dogana Vecchia (no longer extant). Donated by Ottaviano Raggi, prefect of the Annona. The inscription most likely disappeared during construction of the Embankment Wall.\r\n\r\n\"COAT OF ARMS\" (I assume of Pope Urban VIII)\r\n\r\nDIE DOMINICO XXII\r\nMENSIS FEBRUARIJ MDCXXXVII\r\nSEDENTE VRBANO VIII P.O.M.HVC VSQVE TIBER ASCENDIT \r\n(waves are shown)\r\nOCTAVIANVS RAGGIVS\r\nANNONE PREFECTVS POSVIT\r\n\r\nCodice Chigiano H, II, 45; \"Memoria di Vrbano VIII a Ripa\"" , "NULL" 1249, 12.476354833037878, 41.88515589602297 , 1660, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1660 (Flood Marker) , , 1254, "Originally located at the Dogana Vecchia; no longer extant. This flood inscription most likely disappeared during construction of the Embankment Wall.\r\n\r\nSEDENTE ALEXANDRO VII P.O.M.\r\nDIE V NOVEMBRIS ANNO\r\nMDCLX\r\nTIBER HUC USQUE PERVENIT \r\n(little hand, waves, boat)\r\n\r\nSource: Valesio, F. Inscriptiones Inundationes Tyberis denotantes, folio 342." , "NULL" 1250, 12.476522339936622, 41.90456654924629 , 1805, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Idrometro di Via dell'Arancio , Hydrometer , 1255, "Via dell'Arancio\r\n\r\nThis idrometero (water meter) has been incised and painted in alternating red and white squares to indicate 10 centimeter units. It begins at ground level at approximately 15 meters above sea level (masl)." , "NULL" 1251, 12.476578210166972, 41.88652157693142 , 1900, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1900 (Flood Marker) , , 1256, "Via del Porto, nel muro, rimpetto al numero 36 (at Piazza S. Cecilia)\r\n\r\nThe inscription reads:\r\n\r\n\r\n PIENA DEL 2 DICEMBRE 1900\r\n\r\n _____________________ \r\n\r\nThis inscription does not appear in the Di Martino and Belati inventory (1980)" , "Istituto di Studi Romani, Iscrizini della Citta` di Roma dal 1871 al 1920, Luigi Heutter, ed. Vol III (Florence: Cartografica S.P.A. 1962) 395." 1358, 12.46573577660408 , 41.90281192586579 , 1598, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood marker) , , 1384, "Original location \"presso S. Bartolomeo dei Vaccinar,\" but now located at Castel Sant'Angelo.\r\n\r\nVLTRICES HVC VSQ THYBRIS\r\nDVM TOLLERET VNDAS\r\nEXCTINCTA EST PARTV VIRGINIS\r\nIRA DEI\r\n\r\n(right hand with pointing finger -- line -- little boat on waves)\r\n\r\nDIE VIGESIMA QVARTA DECEMBRIS\r\nANNO DNI M.D.IIC.\r\n\r\n\r\nThis 1598 flood marker was moved to its current location at Castel Sant'Angelo in the 1880s when the Tiber Embankment was built. Its original location was at the Church of San Bartolomeo dei Vaccinari. (see inventory item #0188)" , "Martino and Belati, Qui Arrivo,,, (Rome: 1980), p. 184." 1359, 12.474991323028968, 41.90420048494384 , 1880, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 1385, "Original location: in Via Leccosa:\r\n\r\nALLUVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870\r\n----------------------- (flood line)\r\n\r\nMoved to Palazzo Braschi museum when the Embankment wall was constructed, perhaps around 1880." , "Di Martino and Belati, p. 221, #96." 1395, 12.471531284548217, 41.899773155715884, 1598, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1598 (Flood Marker) , , 1414, "Santa Maria della Pace (on outside right door frame)\r\n\r\nDi Martino and Belati (1980) do not include this flood marker in their inventory, but this author (Rinne) saw the marker on 21 February 2010 located on the right door jamb of the main entry into the church. (A marker from the 1530 flood is located on the opposite door jamb).\r\n\r\nA pointing finger (coming from above right) indicates the level of the flood with a line. The inscription appears below the line and seems to be incomplete.\r\n\r\n...VCVSQ\r\n...I..BRIS\r\n...D.XCVIII\r\nXXIIII\r\n...ECEBRIS\r\n\r\n(a small cross)\r\n\r\n\r\nImage: Rinne, 21 February 2010." , "NULL" 1399, 12.47359743318926 , 41.897166070077056, 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 1418, "Piazza de' Massimi (accanto al numero 18)\r\n\r\nThis inscription does not appear in the Di Martino and Belati inventory of 1980.\r\n" , "Iscrizioni della Citta di Roma dal 1871 al 1920, 394." 1425, 12.46867331278853 , 41.8979503654382 , 1180, 1886, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1180 (Flood Marker) , , 1444, "Location: Across from Chiesa Nuova (now Corso Vittorio Emanuele)\r\nDate: 1180, during pontificate of Alexander III (r. 1159-1181)\r\n\r\nThis flood was recorded in the \"Chronicon Fossae Novae\" as \"Tiber fluvius nimium inundavit, et multas domus subvertit, et serpentes innumeros duxit in inudatone, unde Romae mixime mobertitit et per totam Campaniam. Insuper in Ecclesia Sactae Mariae Rotondae tanta aqua ex abisso emanavit, quae non poterunt minus, nisi cum anime Deiet bonarum virorum, ac mulierum expulsa fuit inde aqua.\" Frosini suggests that the flood \"surely rose\" above 16 m.a.s.l. at the Ripetta.\r\n\r\nThe text from this flood marker was not recorded when it was discovered in 1886 in the course of building Corso Vittorio Emanuele.\r\n\r\nAccording to Carcani, in \"Il Tevere\" the inscription was discovered \"sopra un pezzo di colonna venuto alla luce sulla fine dell'anno 1886 nel demolire una casa sul nuovo Corso Vittorio Emanuele di contro alla Chiesa Nuova.\" (in Di Martino and Belati)\r\n\r\n\r\nThe marker disappeared but was rediscovered and is not located in the Museo di Roma, catalogue #MR41373. http://www.museodiroma.it/it/opera/fusto-di-colonna-con-iscrizione-che-indica-il-limite-di-una-inondazione-del-tevere-sotto-il" , "Primary source: Chronicon Fossae Novae Joanne de Ceccano authore ab a. primo salutis usque ad a. 1217 ex pervetusto M. s. exemplari coenobii Fossae Novae. Secondary sources: M. Carcani, Il Tevere e le sue inondazioni dalle origii di Roma fino ai giorni nostri: descrizione geografica e storica (Rome: 1875); V. Di Martino and M. Belati, Qui Arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), 37-38; P. Frosini, Il Tevere (Rome: 1977), p. 146-47; F. Gregorovius, History of Rome in the Middle Ages, Vol. IV, (page number differs by edition).

http://www.museodiroma.it/it/opera/fusto-di-colonna-con-iscrizione-che-indica-il-limite-di-una-inondazione-del-tevere-sotto-il" 1427, 12.47626132238349 , 41.9097340873295 , 1871, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 1446, "the inscription reads:\r\n\r\nALLVVVIONE DEL DECEM. 1870" , "Istituto di Studi Romani, Iscrizini della Citta di Roma dal 1871 al 1920, Luigi Heutter, ed. Vol III (Florence: Cartografica S.P.A. 1962) 394." 1432, 12.472809209974118, 41.89775024392812 , 1530, 1900, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1530 (Flood Marker) , , 1451, "Now lost, this flood marker was one of two from the 1530 flood that were positioned on Palazzo Pasquino. The marker was positioned 3.85 meters above the level of the piazza.\r\n\r\nThe inscription read:\r\n\r\nACQVA TIBERIS FATALI AVCTV\r\nVRBE PENE MERSA AD\r\nHOC SIGNUM VSQVE\r\nSTAGNANTE\r\nAN. S. PART. M.D.XXX.\r\nVIII IDVS OCTOB. PONT.\r\nCL. VII. AN. VII.\r\nAN. E. POR. CAR. DE MONTE AD PP. \r\nPOSTERIT MOVMENTVM\r\n" , "di Martino and Belati (1980), P. 171, #17; R. Lancinai, Storia degli Scavi, vol. 1: 246." 1443, 12.476609302184471, 41.88486453554998 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Idrometro di Ripa Grande , , 1460, "Ripa Grande Port\r\n\r\nThe inscription reads:\r\n\r\nIDROMETRO/\r\nPOSTO NEL CENTRO DEL VECCHIO PORTO/\r\nNEL 1871 E RIPORTATO IN QVESTO\r\nNVOVO MVRO NEL 1902\r\n\r\nThe inscription was originally next to the idrometro (now lost) on the wall of the staircase to the right of the port building." , "Istituto di Studi Romani, Iscrizini della Citta di Roma dal 1871 al 1920, Luigi Heutter, ed. Vol III (Florence: Cartografica S.P.A. 1962) 394." 1444, 12.475999790738605, 41.907952237607525, 1878, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1878 (Flood Marker) , , 1461, "Via di Ripetta, accanto al numero 37\r\n\r\nThe inscription read:\r\n\r\n ____________\r\n\r\n NOV. 1878\r\n\r\nThis inscription does not appear in Di Martino and Belati (1980) inventory." , "Iscrizioni della Citta di Roma dal 1871 al 1920, p. 395." 1445, 12.475253001859796, 41.90445442086987 , 1870, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1870 (Flood Marker) , , 1462, "Via di Ripetta, al n. 173\r\n\r\nThe inscription reads:\r\n\r\n _____________\r\n\r\n DEC. 1870" , "NULL" 1612, 12.472297551713655, 41.897736955340186, 1530, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1530 (Flood Marker) , , 1607, "Palazzo Orsini \"a Pasquino\"(original location; now lost)\r\n\r\nNow lost, this flood marker was one of two from the 1530 flood positioned on Palazzo Pasquino (see item # 1432) just above the Pasquino statue.\r\n\r\nCLEMEN VII PONT. MAX.\r\nANNO. VII. LIBERATIONIS UMANAE\r\nM.D.XXX.\r\nVIII. IDUS OCTOB.\r\nAETERNIS SACRAE URBIS CLADIBUS \r\nFATALIS AD HOC SIGNUM (a little pointing hand and -------)\r\nINUNDATION TYBERIS\r\nADIUNCTA EST.\r\n\r\n\r\nANT. EPIS. PORTUEN.\r\nCARD DE MONTE\r\nPRO DOCUMENTO PERPETUO\r\nP. C.\r\n\r\n" , "Di Martino and Belati (1980), 172, figure 18, as reported by Valesio." 1613, 12.473783384208021, 41.898147088830136, 1495, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1495 (Flood Marker) , , 1608, "Originally located in S. Giacomo degli Spagnoli (located in a courtyard S. Maria in Monserrato since 1825)\r\n\r\nThe inscription is carved onto the base of a column that formerly stood in the nave of S. Giacomo degli Spagnoli.\r\n\r\nThe inscription reads:\r\n\r\nALEXANDRO VI HISP\r\nPONT MX AN SAL M\r\nVD NON DECEMBR\r\nCVM AD HOC SIGNVM\r\nTYBERIS EXCRESCENS\r\nMORTIS ETIAM NON\r\nPEPERCISS PETRVUS DE\r\nARANDA CALAGVRR\r\nCALCIATQ PONT PA\r\nVIMENTVM HOC OM\r\nNE CONRVP SVA IMP\r\nREST\r\nD OPT MX AC DIVO IACOBO\r\nHISPANIAR PATRONO\r\nHONOR ET GLORIA (little hand -----)\r\n\r\nThe inscription not only records the flood but specifically mentions that the inscription honors the restoration of the pavement destroyed in the flood.\r\n" , "Di Martino and Belati (1980), p. 166, figure 9." 1650, 12.479831316157885, 41.90320497070136 , 1805, 1959, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1805 (Flood Marker) , , 1634, "Flood marker, 2 February 1805\r\n\r\nOriginally located at Via Frattina, 80 (south side of street near Via del Corso); now missing.\r\n\r\nPIO. VII. P. M. \r\nDI. 2. FEBRARO. 1805\r\nQUI. ARRIVO`. IL. TEVERE.\r\n\r\nAccording to V. Di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo` il Tevere (Rome: 1980), p. 202, item #60 the inscription was documented in 1872 and still in place until the late 1950. " , "NULL" 1656, 12.477861002827602, 41.89783641410192 , 1660, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1660 (Flood Marker) , , 1638, "According to Bonini, an eye-witness to the 1660 flood, an inscription commemorating it was affixed to the facade of S. Maria sopra Minerva. He places it 4 palmi (89cm) above the ground level. It is no longer extant, but the date it went missing is unknown. In the image, it appears in the lower left, item \"F.\"" , "F. M. Bonini, Il Tevere Incatenato (Rome: 1663), p. 70." 1707, 12.47333883448967 , 41.89653668877797 , 1495, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1495 (Flood Marker) , , 1663, "ALEXANDRO SEX PONT\r\nMAX TIBRIS HOC SIGNV\r\nVNDIS INVASIT HIERO\r\nNTMVS GEORGIVS\r\nVENETVS ORATOR IN\r\nVRBE POSVIT DEC'EB\r\nQVINTO MCCCCLXXXXV\r\n ______\r\n\r\n\"During the pontificate of Alexander VI, the Tiber's waves rose to this level. Geronimo Giorgio Venetian Ambassador to Rome placed this 5 December 1495.\"\r\n\r\nCurrently housed in the Museo di Roma, catalogue number MR 42466.\r\n\r\nNot mapped; in process 30 March 2020" , "V. Di Martino & M. Belati, Qui Arrivò il Tevere (Rome: 1980), p. 170. Image courtesy, Museo di Roma website: http://www.museodiroma.it/it/opera/iscrizione-che-indica-il-livello-raggiunto-dal-tevere-nell-alluvione-del-1495-sotto-il" 1708, 12.462222011181144, 41.90280873988739 , 1495, 9999, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1495 (Flood Marker) , , 1664, "TEMPORE ALEX VI P MAX\r\nDIE V DECEMBRID M.CCCCLXXXXV\r\nTIBERIS ADHOC SIGNVMIN IN VNDAVIT\r\n ________________\r\n\r\n\"During the time of Alexander VI Pontifex Maximus, on the fifth of December 1495, the Tiber flooded to this sign.\" (indicating a line drawn above a band of symbolic waves)\r\n\r\nThe church of S. Maria in Traspondina, formerly located near to Castel Sant'Angelo, was demolished in 1564 and rebuilt in its current location. The flood marker was relocated and is currently located on the right wall of the chapel to SS. Pietro e Paolo. \r\n" , "V. di Martino & M. Belati, Qui Arrivò il Tevere (Rome: 1980), p. 164" 1926, 12.470371562762361, 41.87330469028907 , 1805, 1900, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1805 (Flood Marker) , , 1797, "No longer extant but seen: \"In una casetta slla riva destra del Tevere, vicino al ponte ferroviario di S. Paolo\"\r\n\r\nNELL' INONDAZIONE DEL PRIMO FEBRARO 1805\r\nLE ACQUE DEL FIUME SI ALZARONO SINO\r\nA QUESTO SEGNO (little hand, waves)\r\n\r\nIt stood at \"140 palmi\" (3.122 meters) above street level in 1895.\r\n\r\nMap placement is approximate." , "E. Celani, \\"Alcuni iscrizione sulle inondazioni del Tevere, B.Comm. 1895, p. 300; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 204, # 63" 1929, 12.471007376654091, 41.90164919469673 , 1514, 1880, Inscriptions, Idrometro/Flood Marker/Hydrometer, Targa dell' Inondazione di 1514 (Flood Marker) , , 1798, "No longer extant but seen \"presso le case Caetani All'Orso\" (Bonini)\r\n\r\nFlood of 13 November 1514\r\n\r\n(little finger pointing to a line)--------\r\nBIS DENOS MENSES DECIMO PERAGENTA LEONE\r\nIDIBVS UVC TYBERIS VNDA NOVEMBRID ADEST\r\nM D XIIII DIE XIII NOVEMBRIS\r\n\r\nThe plaque was reported to be 12 palmi above street level. This may be the only known marker for the 1514 Flood." , "Bonini, p. 56; E. Celani, \\"Alcuni iscrizione sulle inondazioni del Tevere, B.Comm. 1895, p. 291, #10; V. di Martino and M. Belati, Qui arrivo il Tevere: inondazione del Tevere nelle testimonianze e nei ricordi storici (Rome, 1980), 171, #17"