- Generate a signal of your choice, e.g.
- Attempt to recover the amplitudes GIVEN the periods - put in
- "reasonable guesses'
- The output is to screen, and to a plot
- Add some noise before you try this!
- COMPARE A with B - slightly off in period vs slighly noisy
- Knock out some values at random
- Take out any NaNs that are interpolation artifacts
function g2(t,y,P)
% Starting from a certain signal that you created using g1, attempt to % recover the amplitudes and periods from the composite signal % % How to run: %
Generate a signal of your choice, e.g.
[t,y]=g1([1 4 5],[10 30 40],[0 pi/2 0]);
Attempt to recover the amplitudes GIVEN the periods - put in
"reasonable guesses'
g2(t,y,[ 9 20 42]); g2(t,y,[10 30 40]); g2(t,y,[10 30 46]); % <------ A
The output is to screen, and to a plot
Add some noise before you try this!
yn=y+randn(size(y))*std(y)/sqrt(5); g2(t,yn,[ 9 20 42]); g2(t,yn,[10 30 40]); % <------ B g2(t,yn,[10 30 46]);
COMPARE A with B - slightly off in period vs slighly noisy
Knock out some values at random
frax=3; ko=max(1,round(rand(round(length(y)/frax),1)*length(y))); yk=y; yk(ko)=0; g2(t,yk,[ 9 20 42]); g2(t,yk,[10 30 40]); % <------ C g2(t,yk,[10 30 46]);
allt=1:length(t); allt(ko)=NaN; allt=allt(~isnan(allt)); g2(t(allt),y(allt),[ 9 20 42]); g2(t(allt),y(allt),[10 30 40]); % <------ D g2(t(allt),y(allt),[10 30 46]);
yi=interp1(t(allt),y(allt),t,'spline'); 'linear' etc
Take out any NaNs that are interpolation artifacts
ti=t(~isnan(yi)); yi=yi(~isnan(yi)); g2(ti,yi,[ 9 20 42]); g2(ti,yi,[10 30 40]); % <------ E g2(ti,yi,[10 30 46]);
% Set your netid lab name netid='mynetidl05'; % First of all, make sure that all inputs are column vectors t=t(:); y=y(:); % The "model" is that the signal IS given by a weighted set of sines and % cosines for whom you have just guessed the periods, but you don't know % about the amplitudes. So this here is the 'design' matrix % We are doing this all at the same time, folks, so check out what the % next line does. 1./P are the frequencies. Do it for ONE period and you % should understand it right away. Do it for TWO OR MORE and you'll love it argm=[1./P(:)*t(:)']'; % This here is how you think the y-vector relates to the t-vector % The first column is to allow for an offset - a nonzero mean F=[ones(size(y)) cos(2*pi*argm) sin(2*pi*argm)]; % If you are unwilling to phrase the phasing this way, use complex % exponentials and deal with the complex numbers that come out. % And this here is how you "invert" the relationship to come up with the % weighting constants that are the amplitudes for each of the terms, and by % 'applying' the inverse to the data vector - a 'linear regression'! A=pinv(F)*y; % If this all were to be exact, the PREDICTION would be spot on (we'll see) ypred=F*A; % Calculate the residuals resd=y-ypred; % Calculate the root-mean-squared error rmser=sqrt(sum(resd.^2)/length(resd)); % Compare the variance of the residual to the variance of the data: if % the fit does a good job, the variance of the residuals should be a % small fraction of the variance of the data vard=100*[1-var(resd)/var(y)]; % Now remember that you need to rearrange the amplitudes to turn them % into magnitudes that belong to a certain period for either the sine or % the cosine, regardless of the phase angle. Look at the above to realize % that we need to sum them in pairs starting from the second one % Pull out the offset m=A(1); % Rearrange the amplitudes pairwise, sum, square, square-root A=sqrt(sum(reshape(A(2:end),length(P),[]).^2,2)); % Report to screen, repeat the periods which you yourself put in ostr='%5.2f '; fstr=repmat(ostr,1,length(A)); disp(sprintf(['\n amplitudes A ' fstr '\n periods P ' fstr],... A,P)) disp(sprintf([' offset term ' ostr],m)) disp(sprintf([' variance rd ' deblank(ostr) '%%'],vard)) % Plot what you think is going on figure % Top panel %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% subplot(211) % Plot the signal plot(t,y,'k','linew',2) % Plot the prediction of the data hold on plot(t,ypred,'b','linew',1) hold off % Embellish grid on xlabel('time [s]') ylabel('signal and its prediction') title(sprintf(['rms prediction error is %5.2f data units\n' ... 'variance reduction ' deblank(ostr) '%%'],... rmser,vard)) % Bottom panel %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% subplot(212) stem(P,A,'filled') % Again, open up the axes a bit ylim([-0. 1]*max(A)*1.1) xlim([0 1]*max(P)*1.1) % Embellish grid on xlabel('period [s]') ylabel('amplitude [units of the data]') title(sprintf(['%s - A ' fstr 'P ' fstr],... netid,A,P))
Not enough input arguments. Error in g2 (line 61) t=t(:);