Harig & Simons (2016) | Related Work

Source: ISI Science Citation Index.

Zhang RQ, Xu M, Che T, Guo WQ, Li XD
Ice Sheet Mass Changes over Antarctica Based on GRACE Data
REMOTE SENSING 16 20 DOI 10.3390/rs16203776 3776 OCT 2024

Schaffer N, Copland L, Zdanowicz C, Hock R
Modeling the surface mass balance of Penny Ice Cap, Baffin Island, 1959-2099
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Nuttall M
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Xu M, Wan XY, Zhang XY, Yu HT
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Rodriguez-Cuicas ME, Montero-Serrano JC, St-Onge G, Normandeau A
A 600-year marine record associated with the dynamics of the eastern Penny Ice Cap (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada)

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Monitoring seasonal fluctuation and long-term trends for the Greenland Ice Sheet using seismic noise auto-correlations
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Ye YH, Tian YX
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Hamilton AK, Mueller D, Laval BE
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Copland L, Lacelle D, Fisher D, Delaney F, Thomson L, Main B, Burgess D
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Li YJ, Ding YJ, Shangguan DH, Liu FJ, Zhao QD
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Schaffer N, Copland L, Zdanowicz C, Burgess D, Nilsson J
Revised estimates of recent mass loss rates for Penny Ice Cap, Baffin Island, based on 2005-2014 elevation changes modified for firn densification
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Williamson SN, Copland L, Thomson L, Burgess D
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Ciraci E, Velicogna I, Swenson S
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Knowles LA, Bennett RA, Harig C
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Nuttall M
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Ashmore DW, Mair DWF, Burgess DO
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Cooper MG, Smith LC
Satellite Remote Sensing of the Greenland Ice Sheet Ablation Zone: A Review
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Dalton A, Copland L, Tivy A, Van Wychen W, Cook A
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von Hippel M, Harig C
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Altena B, Scambos T, Fahnestock M, Kaab A
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Rogers HF, Beggan CD, Whaler KA
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Beveridge AK, Harig C, Simons FJ
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White A, Copland L
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Xie XW, Xu CJ, Wen YM, Li W
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Mitrovica JX, Hay CC, Kopp RE, Harig C, Latychev K
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Pimentel S, Flowers GE, Sharp MJ, Danielson B, Copland L, Van Wychen W, Duncan A, Kavanaugh JL
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Schaffer N, Copland L, Zdanowicz C
Ice velocity changes on Penny Ice Cap, Baffin Island, since the 1950s
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Thomson LI, Copland L
Multi-decadal reduction in glacier velocities and mechanisms driving deceleration at polythermal White Glacier, Arctic Canada
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Mu D, Yan H, Feng W, Peng D
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Barry RG, Hall-McKim EA
Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves
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Bates AP, Khalid Z, Kennedy RA
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Millan, R; Mouginot, J; Rignot, E
Mass budget of the glaciers and ice caps of the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Canada, from 1991 to 2015
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Rutishauser A, Grima C, Sharp M, Blankenship DD, Young DA, Cawkwell F, Dowdeswell JA
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Saynisch J, Petereit J, Irrgang C, Kuvshinov A, Thomas M
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