Nolet, Hello, van der Lee, Bonnieux, Ruiz, Pazmino, Deschamps, Regnier, Font, Chen & Simons et al. (2019) | Related Work

Source: ISI Science Citation Index.

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GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 239 1 136-154 DOI 10.1093/gji/ggae238 AUG 13 2024

Foley SF, Chen CF, Jacob DE
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NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW 11 6 DOI 10.1093/nsr/nwae098 JUN 26 2024

Nolet G, Simon JD, Bonnieux S
How Accurately Are MERMAID Seismograms Located?
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Li K, Zhu XK, Qin HW, Hou F
Optimized Design of the Carrier Structure of an Autonomous Glide Marine Seismometer
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Yu Y, Chen YJ, Guo Z, Ge, ZX
Long-term seismic network in South China Sea by floating MERMAIDs
SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES 66 9 1979-1993 DOI 10.1007/s11430-022-1100-3 SEP 2023

Ritsema J, Maguire R, Cobden L, Goes S
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Rojas-Agramonte Y, Kaus BJP, Piccolo A, Williams IS, Gerdes A, Wong J, Xie HX, Buhre S, Toulkeridis T, Montero P, Garcia-Casco A
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Jiang WS, Ding WW, Zhu XK, Hou F
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Nolet G, van der Lee S
Error estimates for seismic body wave delay times in the ISC-EHB Bulletin
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Simon JD, Simons FJ, Irving JCE
A MERMAID miscellany: Seismoacoustic signals beyond the P wave
SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 92 6 3657-3667 DOI 10.1785/0220210052 NOV 2021

Pipatprathanporn S, Simons FJ
One year of sound recorded by a MERMAID float in the Pacific: hydroacoustic earthquake signals and infrasonic ambient noise
GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 228 1 193-212 DOI 10.1093/gji/ggab296 JAN 2022

Simon JD, Simons FJ, Irving JCE
Recording earthquakes for tomographic imaging of the mantle beneath the South Pacific by autonomous MERMAID floats
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Simon JD, Simons FJ, Nolet G
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Yuan YO, Bozdag E, Ciardelli C, Gao FC, Simons FJ
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Huang HC, Zhang CY, Ding WW, Zhu XK, Sun GQ, Wang HZ
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