2021 EarthScope-Oceans Steering Committee Meeting
11pm-2:30am Monday 20th Dec (Princeton day/time)
5am-8:30am Tuesday 21st Dec (Paris day/time)
noon-3:30pm Tuesday 21st Dec (Shenzhen day/time)
Present: John Chen, Tim Ahern, Frederik Simons, Karin Sigloch, Masayuki Obayashi, Yann Hello, Alessia Maggi
Late: Geunyoung Kim
Absent: Mathieu Belbeoch
Guest: Joel Simon
1/ Welcome and Year in Review. Frederik Simons (15 minutes).
2/ Data Committee Report requesting Steering Committee approvals. Tim Ahern (60 minutes)
Joel/Tim/Guust + IRIS people who helped a lot: Rick Benson, Un Joe, Inge Watson. Mary Templeton.
GeoCSV format as an “intermediate” standard to be adopted by the FDSN, which now has ESO as its member (Tim as representative, Frederik as alternate).
Recommendation 1. ESO measurements as Essential Ocean Variables (GOOS). Christoph Waldmann will lead the charge on this.
VOTE: FJS Yes. YJC Yes. TKA Yes. KS Yes. AM yes. MO Yes. YH. Yes. GK Yes. MOTION Passes.
Recommendation 2. ESO measurements to be shared with CTBTO.
NO VOTE. Continue discussions, understand requirements.
Recommendation 3. ESO Data Distribution Center Requirements.
The definition, that is. Currently IRIS is an ESO Data Center. Récif is also. IPGP is too. GFZ is also. All FDSN centers already follow, except GeoCSV.
VOTE: FJS Yes. YJC Yes. TKA Yes. KS Yes. AM yes. MO Yes. YH. Yes. GK Yes. MOTION Passes.
Recommendation 4. ESO partners support a Data Collection Center to do basic quality control etc. prior to distribution. We need to coordinate location interpolation, GeoCSV output, etc. ensuring consistency in algorithms for data curation. Need an implementation plan. What needs to be done? Joel to follow up with OSEAN’s Rocca to see what’s needed.
VOTE: FJS Yes. YJC Yes. TKA Yes. KS Yes. AM yes. MO Yes. YH. Yes. GK Yes. MOTION Passes.
Recommendation 5. Phased approach to meeting requirements.
VOTE: FJS Yes. YJC Yes. TKA Yes. KS Yes. AM yes. MO Yes. YH. Yes. GK Yes. MOTION Passes.
Recommendation 6. ESO partners subscribe to a single common Data Release Policy. Encouragement would be rolling 2 years after recording.
Agreement on 10% data openness for public-relations.
Agreement on using the ESO common DOI.
Debating final public release: encouraged 2 years after data collection, and required a/ 2 years after last transmission of invidual float - or
b/ 2 years after experiment ends.
Recommendation 7. New Data Committee Member from SUSTECH.
VOTE: FJS Yes. YJC Yes. TKA Yes. KS Yes. AM yes. MO Yes. YH. Yes. GK Yes. MOTION Passes.
3/ Update from Géoazur. Karin Sigloch & Yann Hello.
4/ Update from JAMSTEC. Masayuki Obayashi.
5/ “300 Mermaids” approved as a project in the framework of the United Nations “Ocean Decade” initiative. Karin Sigloch & Frederik Simons.
6/ SUSTECH deployment strategy. John Chen. NOT DISCUSSED. TO BE REVISITED. 19 MERMAIDS? FJS to put John in touch with Argo ships of opportunity… (Sailing/fishing boats…. Could be too small.)
7/ JAMSTEC. What is the status of the Polynesian tomography? Japanese PIs need to report results. Need to ask update from John in January. Where to go next with a new experiment?
8/ KIGAM interested in CTD. Projects evaluated by results, not services. Collecting data is not enough. Korean funds mainly based on land area.
Need to plan meeting in January to conclude all unfinished business.