EarthScope-Oceans stations rely on financial support from individual organizations and funding agencies. As such, specific organizations may have different requirements, and as such, individual organizations may determine their own data release policy.

Some partners in EarthScope-Oceans have adopted a very Progressive Data Policy which states:

Data from at least 10% of an ESO partner’s MERMAIDs should be released without any delay other than the time required for data curation. Data from all other stations will be released two years after recording.

EarthScope-Ocean Partners that have adopted the Progressive Data Policy include:
indent GéoAzur (France)
indent JAMSTEC (Japan). More information
indent Princeton University (USA)

Specific Data Policies in place with other EarthScope-Oceans partners:

indent SUSTECH (China):
The data will be released to the EarthScope Data Management Center in a timely manner but will remain restricted. After the experiment is completed, and after a delay of two years, the data will be openly available without restriction. While restricted, people may contact SUSTECH for authentication credentials through which they can access the data subject to SUSTECH approval. Contact email.

indent Universidade de São Paulo and Observatorio Nacional of Brazil (Brazil):
To be determined.