Frederik J. Simons
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- Data-space cross-validation of mantle structure in global tomographic models underneath the Pacific Ocean
- Waveform modeling of hydroacoustic teleseismic earthquake records from autonomous MERMAID floats
- Laplace-domain crosstalk-free source-encoded elastic Full Waveform Inversion using time-domain solvers
- W. Jason Morgan | Obituary
- Inconsistent citation of the Global Seismographic Network in scientific publications
- The mantle transition zone beneath eastern North America: Receiver functions and tomographic velocity models
- Seismic evidence for a 1000 km mantle discontinuity under the Pacific
- 3-D acoustic-elastic full-waveform inversion and migration of marine VSP data from Norway
- The debiased spatial Whittle likelihood
- Full-waveform centroid moment tensor inversion of passive seismic data acquired at the reservoir scale
- One year of sound recorded by a MERMAID float in the Pacific: Hydroacoustic earthquake signals and infrasonic ambient noise
- Recording earthquakes for tomographic imaging of the mantle beneath the South Pacific by autonomous MERMAID floats
- Elastic full waveform inversion of VSP data from a complex anticline in northern Iraq
- Waveform inversion for shear velocity and attenuation via the spectral-element adjoint method
- Instrument response removal and the 2020 MLg 3.1 Marlboro, New Jersey, earthquake
- A MERMAID miscellany: Seismoacoustic signals beyond the P wave
- Waarde Redactie | Open Brief
- Twenty-thousand leagues under the sea: Recording earthquakes with autonomous floats
- Generation of secondary microseism Love waves: effects of bathymetry, 3-D structure and source seasonality
- Mantle transition zone receiver functions for Bermuda: Automation, quality control, and interpretation
- The origin of secondary microseism Love waves
- Multi-physics adjoint modeling of Earth structure: combining gravimetric, seismic, and geodynamic inversions
- Multiscale estimation of event arrival times and their uncertainties in hydroacoustic records from autonomous oceanic floats
- The exponentiated phase measurement, and objective-function hybridization for adjoint waveform tomography
- Waves and Rays in Seismology: Answers to Unasked Questions, by M. A. Slawinski
- Realistically textured random velocity models for deep learning applications
- Robust surface-wave full-waveform inversion
- Determining the depth of Jupiter's Great Red Spot with Juno: A Slepian approach
- Imaging the Galápagos mantle plume with an unconventional application of floating seismometers
- Accelerating changes in ice mass within Greenland, and the ice sheet's sensitivity to atmospheric forcing
- On Foundations of Seismology: Bringing Idealizations Down to Earth, by J. R. Brown & M. A. Slawinski
- The changing mass of glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau, 2002—2016, using time-variable gravity from the GRACE satellite mission
- Spherical-harmonics based special function systems and constructive approximation methods
- A general approach to regularizing inverse problems with regional data using Slepian wavelets
- Internal and external potential field estimation from regional vector data at varying satellite altitude
- A spectral view of the Terra Sirenum/Cimmeria crustal magnetic field
- Maximum-likelihood analysis of planetary roughness
- Spectral-element based 3D elastic full-waveform inversion of surface waves in the presence of complex topography using an envelope-based misfit function
- Double-difference adjoint seismic tomography
- Ice mass loss in Greenland, the Gulf of Alaska, and the Canadian Archipelago: Seasonal cycles and decadal trends
- High-resolution local magnetic field models for the Martian South Pole from Mars Global Surveyor data
- Multiscale adjoint waveform tomography for surface and body waves
- Seismic monitoring in the oceans by autonomous floats
- On the robustness of estimates of mechanical anisotropy in the continental lithosphere: A North American case study and global reanalysis
- Accelerated West Antarctic ice mass loss continues to outpace East Antarctic gains
- A suite of software analyzes data on the sphere
- Potential-field estimation using scalar and vector Slepian functions at satellite altitude
- Scalar and vector Slepian functions, spherical signal estimation and spectral analysis
- Mars’ Heterogeneous south polar magnetic field revealed using altitude vector Slepian functions
- Full-waveform adjoint tomography in a multiscale perspective
- Multiscale adjoint waveform-difference tomography using wavelets
- A spatiospectral localization approach for analyzing and representing vector-valued functions on spherical surfaces
- Global seismic tomography with sparsity constraints: Comparison with smoothing and damping regularization
- Maximum-likelihood estimation of lithospheric flexural rigidity, initial-loading fraction and load correlation, under isotropy
- A probabilistic assessment of sea level variations within the last interglacial stage
- Spectral and spatial decomposition of lithospheric magnetic field models using spherical Slepian functions
- Maximum-likelihood estimation of lithospheric thickness on Venus
- Spatiospectral concentration of vector fields on a sphere
- Mapping Greenland's mass loss in space and time
- Local spectral variability and the origin of the Martian crustal magnetic field
- Coseismic slip of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Great Maule, Chile, earthquake quantified by the inversion of GRACE observations
- Analysis of real vector fields on the sphere using Slepian functions
- Coseismic and postseismic deformation of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake constrained by GRACE gravimetry
- The spherical Slepian basis as a means to obtain spectral consistency between mean sea level and the geoid
- Wavelets and wavelet-like transforms on the sphere and their application to geophysical data inversion
- Solving or resolving global tomographic models with spherical wavelets, and the scale and sparsity of seismic heterogeneity
- Automatic discrimination of underwater acoustic signals generated by teleseismic P-waves: A probabilistic approach
- Spatial variability of the Martian crustal magnetic field
- Spatiospectral concentration in the Cartesian plane
- Slepian functions and their use in signal estimation and spectral analysis
- Possible animal-body fossils in pre-Marinoan limestones from South Australia
- Turning freshmen into scientists with field research and quantitative analysis of geoscientific data
- Constraints on upper mantle viscosity from the flow-induced pressure gradient across the Australian continental keel
- Probabilistic assessment of sea level during the last interglacial stage
- Afloat on a sea of noise
- Efficient analysis and representation of geophysical processes using localized spherical basis functions
- On the potential of recording earthquakes for global seismic tomography by low-cost autonomous instruments in the oceans
- Spectral estimation on a sphere in geophysics and cosmology
- Analysis of seafloor seismograms of the 2003 Tokachi-Oki earthquake sequence for earthquake early warning
- Parametrizing surface wave tomographic models with harmonic spherical splines
- Spatiospectral localization of global geopotential fields from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) reveals the coseismic gravity change owing to the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
- Minimum-variance multitaper spectral estimation on the sphere
- A spatiospectral localization approach to estimating potential fields on the surface of a sphere from noisy, incomplete data taken at satellite altitudes
- Young scientists focus on the dynamics of the lithosphere
- A future for drifting seismic networks
- Automatic detection and rapid determination of earthquake magnitude by wavelet multiscale analysis of the primary arrival
- Spherical Slepian functions and the polar gap in geodesy
- Spatiospectral concentration on a sphere
- How do we understand and visualize uncertainty?
- MYRES: A program to unite young solid Earth researchers
- Localized spectral analysis on the sphere
- Seismic constraints on temperature of the Australian uppermost mantle
- Young solid Earth researchers of the world unite!
- Seismic and mechanical anisotropy and the past and present deformation of the Australian lithosphere
- Spatiospectral localization of isostatic coherence anisotropy in Australia and its relation to seismic anisotropy: Implications for lithospheric deformation
- Multimode Rayleigh wave inversion for heterogeneity and azimuthal anisotropy of the Australian upper mantle
- Age-dependent seismic thickness and mechanical strength of the Australian lithosphere
- Isostatic response of the Australian lithosphere: Estimation of effective elastic thickness and anisotropy using multitaper spectral analysis
- The deep structure of the Australian continent from surface-wave tomography
- Quantitative characterization of coal by means of microfocal X-ray Computed Microtomography (CMT) and Color Image Analysis (CIA)
Frederik Simons
Last modified: Wed Dec 30 00:11:45 EST 2020